Privacy Issues in the Community College Workplace

(CMV), Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV Type I and Type II), HSV related diseases such as chicken pox, shingles and infectious mononucleosis, and Hepatitis-B.


General Directions

A. Employees with AIDS, AIDS Related Complex, or a positive HTLV-III antibody test should be afforded normal attendance, and working conditions, and participation in the workplace in an unrestricted manner as long as they are physically able. The District shall provide reasonable accommodation to employees with infectious diseases, including AIDS and related illnesses, in a manner consistent with those provided for other medical problems. C. AIDS is a reportable disease in the State of California. Medical personnel are required to report known cases to the local county health department within 24 hours. Except for such legally required reporting, confidentiality of all medical conditions should be maintained. There is no medical necessity to advise coworkers of the immediate presence of persons who have AIDS, AIDS Related Complex, or a positive HTLV-III antibody test. Disclosure of the result of a blood test to detect AIDS without written authorization from the person tested can result in substantial monetary penalties under State law. B.

D. No person shall be required to undergo testing for AIDS, ARC or the HTLV-III antibody.

E. If an employee has concerns about the presence of a person with the AIDS virus, or any other infectious disease, that individual should be directed to a community agency providing counseling/information/education to those persons with continuing fears or concerns about the disease.

F. All managers are encouraged to schedule regular staff development workshops for all employees to disseminate information and answer questions about AIDS.


Employees with Infectious or Communicable Diseases

A. If the District received notice that an employee is suffering from an infectious or communicable disease, it shall make decisions regarding the employee’s continued employment based on the behavior, neurological development and physical condition of the employee, and the health and safety of other persons. B. All employees of the District must be physically and mentally able to perform the duties and responsibilities of their positions, with or without reasonable accommodation, and must be free of any condition or disease which may be

Privacy Issues in the Community College Workplace ©2019 (c) Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 179

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