Privacy Issues in the Community College Workplace

64 Civ. Code, § 1786 et seq. 65 Civ. Code, § 1786.53.

66 Civ. Code, § 1786.20, subd. (d). 67 Civ. Code, § 1786.2, subd. (c). 68 Lab. Code, § 1024.5 (effective January 1, 2012).

69 Civ. Code, § 1786.10, subd. (b)(1). 70 Civ. Code, § 1786.16, subd. (a)(2)(B). 71 Civ. Code, § 1786.16, subd. (b)(1). 72 Civ. Code, § 1786.16, subd. (a)(2)(C); Civ. Code, § 1786.12, subds. (c), (f). 73 Civ. Code, § 1786.18, subd. (a)(4).

74 Civ. Code, § 1786.40. 75 Civ. Code, § 1786.24. 76 Civ. Code, § 1786.24.

77 Civ. Code, § 1786.18, subd. (a). 78 Civ. Code, § 1786.18, subd. (d). 79 Civ. Code, § 1786.53, subd. (b)(2). 80 Civ. Code, § 1786.53, subd. (b)(1). 81 Civ. Code, § 1786.53, subd. (b)(4). 82 Civ. Code, § 1786.53, subd. (b)(2). 83 Gov. Code, § 12952(a)(1)-(4). 84 Gov. Code, § 12952(b). 85 Gov. Code, § 12952(d)(1)-(4). 86 Gov. Code, § 12952(c)(1)(A). 87 Gov. Code, § 12952(c)(1)(A)(i)-(iii). 88 Gov. Code, § 12952(c)(1)(B). 89 Gov. Code, § 12952(c)(2). 90 Gov. Code, § 12952(c)(2). 91 Gov. Code, § 12952(c)(2)(A)-(C). 92 Gov. Code, § 12952(c)(3). 93 Gov. Code, § 12952(c)(4). 94 Gov. Code, § 12952(c)(5)(A)-(C).

95 Gov. Code, § 12952(d)(4). 96 Lab. Code, §§ 432.7, 432.8. 97 Starbucks Corp. v. Superior Court (2008) 168 Cal.App.4th 14361436 [86 Cal.Rptr.3d 482], review den. 98 Lab. Code, §§ 432.7, subds. (a), (d) & (e), 432.8.

99 Lab. Code, § 432.9, subd. (a). 100 Lab. Code, § 432.9, subd. (a). 101 Lab. Code, § 432.9, subd. (c). 102 Lab. Code, § 432.9, subd. (b). 103 Lab. Code, § 432.9, subd. (b).

104 U.S. Equal Opportunity Commission, EEOC Enforcement Guidance on the Consideration of Arrest and Conviction Records in Employment Decisions under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Number 915.002 (April 25, 2012).

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