Privacy Issues in the Community College Workplace

455 Trujillo v. City of Ontario (C.D. Cal. 2006) 428 F.Supp.2d 1094, distinguished (2009) 47 Cal.4th 272 [97 Cal.Rptr.3d 274]. 456 Blanco v. County of Kings (E.D.Calif. 2015) 142 F.Supp.3d 986, fn. 6. 457 Blanco v. County of Kings (E.D.Calif. 2015) 142 F.Supp.3d 986, fn. 6. 458 Richardson-Tunnell v. School Ins. Program for Employees (SIPE) (2007) 157 Cal.App.4th 1056 [69 Cal Rptr.3d 176], rehg. & review den (2008). 459 Sanders v. American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. (1999) 20 Cal.4th 907 [85 Cal.Rptr.2d 909]. 460 Ops.Cal Atty Gen No. 12-1101 (February 14, 2014) [2014 WL 587948]. 461 Rio Hondo Community College District (2013) PERB Decision No. 2313E. 462 Rio Hondo Community College District (2013) PERB Decision No. 2313E. 463 Whole Foods Market, Inc. (December 24, 2015) 363 NLRB No.87. United States v. Jones (2012) 132 S.Ct. 945. 468 “Off-highway Vehicle (OHV) Telematics Market: Global Industry Analysis and Opportunity Assessment, 2016-2026,” PR Newswire (June 21, 2016), ohv-telematics-market-global-industry-analysis-and-opportunity-assessment-20162026-300288141.html. 469 “Telematics”, Encyclopedia ,,,1237,t=telematics&i=52693,00.asp. 470 “Telematics”, Encyclopedia ,,,1237,t=telematics&i=52693,00.asp. 471 “Vehicle Telematics: Risk Management at Every Turn” (Risk Management Magazine), The National Law Review (June 12, 2010), 472 Pellitta, F., “The Use of Telematics in the Preventative Maintenance Aspects of Fleets,” (April 13, 2015), 473 Building Material & Construction Teamsters' Union v. Farrell (1986) 41 Cal.3d 651[224 Cal.Rptr. 688]; Gov. Code, §§ 3500-3510. 474 Valencia v. County of Sonoma (2007) 158 Cal.App.4th 644 [69 Cal.Rptr.3d 881]. 475 Pen. Code, §637.7, subd. (a). 476 Biometrics Glossary prepared by The National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), Subcom. On Biometrics and Identity Management (Sep. 14, 2006) 477 Biometrics Glossary prepared by The National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), Subcom. On Biometrics and Identity Management (Sep. 14, 2006)

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