SLP 07 (2014)

to be mentioned. Furthermore, there are numerous other decisions of the Court, in which in one or other way the satellite communication is mentioned; in these decisions, however, the fact that they have anything to do with a satellite was not relevant for the outcome of the case. Can – in these circumstances – the path to the Strasbourg Court be recommended to those who are dealing with the area of satellite communication? It seems that it can be recommended in two cases – the case of rejections of licensing of broadcasting by the State organs, and in the situations of denial of the right to install receiving stations for satellite broadcasting in the States Parties to the Convention. However, this recommendation is limited on the cases of violations by one of the Parties of the Convention in which the applicant seeks not primarily a speedy and pecuniary, but the abstract justice and satisfaction – that is why the Court is less made recourse to by those active in space communications than arbitration bodies.


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