All the Men - 1964

SOCl Ii:TY for AD\".\:>;CF.:\IE:'\T of 1'1:\X.\G E1'rn'.'\T

S..\ .:\1. pl:, ns me ( ings. ,·onf ·renc·(·s. smokers. lund1eo11s with hnsincss cxc,·11tin·s. lours lo rnrim1 · i.mlu tries, and includes several SOC'ial t1(·li\•ilics dur– ing the year. IL is considerl'd an investment by its mcmhcrs - friendships and ,·aluable tonlacts arc m,vJc; business rC('OgnizL·s it~ vnlul.': there arc un– limited opporlunilics lo develop initiativc, C'rcali\'r thinking, and leadership, anc! to ac·quirc an under– slanrling of industry 11ml insight into Lhe prat"lil'es of lhl' munl!gcmenl profession.

Harold Dermody, buck Davi

/.•I Ro11,.· .John Hegow. \\'cndcll ,Joseph. Don Dutton, Jaek Limhcr. t wl 1/oir: Boh lfol,;millcr. :\like Flanagan. Jo,· ) :forlinez, Henry Sluppy. Ken ,'heller. Ed Stofl,•t. Phil Holli-s, ltic-hnril Galligan, Al )I ·Carly. Dc-nnis Gorsich.

GLEE CLUB Anyon wandering along the corridors of the Arts und ·ience building on a Wednesday afternoon will invariably be surprised by the"sound of music" slrcamini;t from the Little Theater. What he hears ma~· var.v from a sullen ballad lo a Japanese melody; from a religious movement from Palestrintt to a prtt– rioti anthem of Sib lius. Directed by Fr. .'ullivan, tl1e men of the choral brigade canorously sang their way through luncheon8, students gatherings, and an occasional television uppca!".mce.

1.,1 llo,r: Lenny Wcher. Hit·k \\"agencr. Boh :\fix. Danny Harnos. Hoss Brown. Hn11 Kaylon, l\lark Tei mann. Fran \ 'ogel. 211d Uow: Tony )folanga. Frank Sl11r·1,I. Hi<·k Salaz:ir. lliclwrd Hughes. Boh Greer.

PRE-MED LCB Xew lo llie ways of campus club activity, the Pre-Med Club (an off-shoot of the now defunct Sci– enC'C Cluu) did not wa ·te any time making it.self heard or seen at the C 1\1. Posters sparked by the club's emblem (a diaper-draped·· premie'"), announ– ced the speaking engagements or such organizations as theonc1~ cont;roversial ·.vmrnnon House. More im- 1>0rtantl.r perhaps, the club was a pivot.a.I point for discu ions and meetings of those actively contem– plating Ll1eir l\.LD.'s.

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