News Scrapbook 1986

Vlsalla, CA (Tulare Co.) Times Della (Cir. 6xW. 20,137)

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Dally Transcript (Cir. D. 7,415)

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JUL 2 4 1986


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a nd s hoes. Surely there are big t rophies and paychecks in all of this? Nope. Just a lot of fun , a chance to get away from a " high intense practice" a nd mayb a little flag. • • • Media Watch: Channel 51's "At t he Ba r" program can now be seen at 10:30 p.m. on Saturday. This we k's guest will be Fourth Di · trict Court of Appeal Justice Ed· ward Butler, who will a lso sing. • • Ronald Overholt, arbitration coordina tor for the Superior Court, wi ll be the speaker at a dinner meeting of the Legal cretari s A sociat1on on July 28 at Padre Trail Inn . ••• David Freundlich has joined the tax depa rtment of Luce, For• ward, Hamilton & Scripps after 13 years with the Signal Companies. Alvin Kalmanson of J enn ings, Engstrand & Henrikson has been named vice president and a mem• ber of the Board of Directors of t he an Diego Medical Legal Society. !,!SD la w professor Le te r nyder has been appoi nted to t he executive committee of the State Bar's taxation section. ./ ...

ch n thinking LawBriefs by Martin Kruming

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Daily Transcript (Cir. D. 7,415)

JUL 24

frie nd had th car' body. " I wu dnving when I was 11," ·ho told of a "sh1rt- t 11 uncl " who would let Hughes hp behind the wh el of his '32 Ford on the way to th market. Hu h ' fir t auto was 11 1937 !o'ord conv rtible which he bought in 1943 for $700. B au e h is mo. ther h d lubcrculo i , he received his driv •r' he ns t 14 in ordPr to dr1 vc her to doctors' appointments. Th int r t 1n c r took a buck P ,t duri ng und rgradu te (he did havt• a motorcycl l and law school d,,ys and lat •r when he and his wife, Dori , beg, n ising three k,d and putting th m through col- lege But ubout a y 1r go Hughes tKiught the Renault - numb r 262 of about 400 nutiona lly - nd got back into racing. Ev n though the ud~ for the R naull re d, '' o rac mg for und r $10,000," Hughes "wa. ready to roll for 14,000," which included $1,500 to put the c r together, an extra t of wheels and tire and around $700 for p· tnttng. In late 1982 Hughes began tak• 1n courses at th Bondurant • huol of High Perform nee Driv• 111g at Sears Point in Northern Cal• ifornia. There were instructions on recovering from skids, going through turru and braking. Now he sp nds what ems like ev ry other weekend - except dur- ing the rainy sea ·on between De- c mber and February - at various track around Southern California. So far there have been no inj u• ries although "a couple of acci• dent. ·• Compared with races like In. di napolis and Daytona, Hughes's expenses are mmimal· maybe $250 for a weekend, mcluding entry fees of 80to$100. Dori Hugh - who grew up in a town of about 200 in central Kansa where cows probably out. numbered race cars - has been a big supporter, keeping up Hughes' ntd Hughe ,

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Boys give their wish for the world In this nuclear age, the message " It' s up to all of us" can be an inspiring one when it comes from a 10- year-old boy. The message was con- veyed in a poster contest sponsored by Beyond War, an educational movement that seeks to teach people to resolve conflicts without vio- lence, both personally and nationally, said John Tinken, financial support chairman of the organization. Marcus Caserza, a son of Ron and Diane Caserza of Visalia, attached that slogan to his poster entry. His schoolmate, Gregg Silva, 12, son of Richard and Ann Silva of Visalia; entered the contest with a drawing of a light-skinned hand shaking a dark-skinned hand with the earth pictured in the back- ground. In the spirit of coopera- tion, the two boys agreed to combine Caserza' s slogan with Silva's drawing to cre- ate the award-winning post- er, which will be displayed on a billboard along High- way 198 at Akers Road. The purpose of the contest was twofold, said Cathy Tin- ken , co-leader of the spon- Other winners Deborah Camacho of Visa- lia was named to the dean's list at the University of the Pacific in Stockton . Students selected earned a g r ade point average of 3.5 or higher on a scale where 4.0 is a straight " A" average. Larry D. Peterson, a member of the Tulare Elks Lodge No. 1424, was recog- nized as a newly-elected ex- alted ruler at the 122nd con- vention of the Grand Lodge, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, held July 13- 17 in Denver, Colo. Peterson is one of more than 2250 ex- alted rulers nationwide, and will serve as leader of his lo- cal Elks lodge for one year. Lori Denham, a 1986 grad- uate of Mt. Whitney High School, was recently award- ed the Virginia Foran Me- morial Scholarship. The scholarship is awarded each year to a graduating senior from a Tulare County high school, admitted to an ac- By Elena Nelson T1mes-De1ta J-f' $';,

soring B yond War chapter. " The poster contest could in- crease awareness of our movement in the ar- ea.. .maybe have children and parents discussing the issues involved." "We want children to get the feeling that we are all one world and we need to work together to save our world," she added. "We need to discuss the differ- ences in people a s a positive thing. We hope children can learn from that. " Silva and Caserza were one of 250 other entrants in the contest, themed "My Wish For the World." " I was trying to show that cultures of the world should come together in peace," Silva said, adding that he chose the idea because shak- ing hands eliminates the op- portunity to make a fist. The remaining entries will be on display at the Tulare County library in Visalia through July. They will then move to the Sequoia Mall to be displayed through Au- gust , said George Pilling, childr en's coordinator at the library. " We rea lly enjoy having the display here. The posters are bright and colorful, and lots of people are coming in to look at them ," Pilling said. " There is a lot of inter- est in peace and war among children. They ask 'Why is there war ?' and that can be a difficult question to an- swer, " he said. credited two or four year college or university. The scholarship fund is adminis- tered by a board of trustees of the Tulare County Demo- cratic Central Con'tnµttJ Cheri Ballantyne, i~ ons of Visalia has comp~te~ her doctorate degree J~t uth- western Universit,1.'Sch >01 of Law. Lemons, 2\.. i the youngest member 1986 graduating class . !fie s cur- rently attending th · iver- sity of S Die o of,;-' In 1 u e on £.iynpa ra- ·

.r D' Law Center airs a video "~om• ing of Age," a( ~.{s--"'p.m. Friday and Aug. 1 on Dimens ion Cable Channel 2 in Escondido. The show, co-sponsored by the County Ba r Assn., features attorney J ams Gardner on the subject of adult responsibilities. ./ * * • t~~Pi.!,d

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San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Daily Transcript (Cir. D. 7,415}



.Jllfen's P C B

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-----CPA Exam Review Course Is Offered SDSU and ~f~Jf are offer• ing a 12-we;k CPAexam review course beginmng Aug. 4. The course is designed for accounting students and will review all areas tested on the CPA exam. Call USO for more information at 260-4585. 7 -C

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co,) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454)

JUL 91986




Charismatics to convene; choirs visit area churches T e a . i?a 1c Renewal Center of the San

Diego Cathohc Diocese will hold its first confer- ( ence for youth and young adults Aug. 1-3 at the Urw11 Diego. Conference leaders will be 1stcr Antonia Bremner of La Mesa Prison in Tijuana and the Rev. Peter Canavan, campus min- I 1. try director at Los Angeles .City College. F~ d tails, call 574-6303 or 459-3255 _ ;

San Diego, Cal if. Southern Cross (Cir. W. 27,500)

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P c. B




,1 c; By Rosemary Johns ton /All b,aptized called to minister, says Jesuit priest

Successful ministry cannot be measured in terms of professional success or fail ure, Father Futrell noted. It is pos 1ble to be a professional failure and an apostolic success. A successful minister, he said, communicates that Jesus is in each of us. "Be a leaven of the risen Christ in the world," he told his audience at the Manchester Conference Center on the Alcala Park campus. "Put the \\lord in the bread, reveal and reflect the incarnation of all creation.'' F,,ther Futrell outlined four qualities that can help mi111ster to communicate more effectively: • BE PRESENT to people. The quality of our own experience will determine what kmd of experience is being revealed through us. e We must .ask n11rSPIVI'~ hnnP tlv bn other

people feel. "If there is no joy in me, I can't communicate it to you." • Be a holy minister by realizing that "while I am doing this service, I am living out Jesus in me and communicating that to you." • MAINTAIN A continuing rhythm of prayer in our lives. "Prayer is being present to the Lord within me." According to Father Futrell, the glory of God "is human persons filled with his joy, loving one another perfectly and transforming the world in its beauty. Faith makes its power felt through love," he said. "God dreams a dream in us. We are called lo say: 'This is my body,' in order to reveal Jesus Christ to the world." Ministry is not about self-aggrandizement , Father Futrell added. "You don't ask what you would like to do . You first determine what the needs are. Then you use / your gifts 10 meet those needs." L

I./ Special to the Southern Cross By the fact of our baptism, each of us 1s called to minister to all the people m our lives, a Jesuit theologian said during a recent appearance at the Univ_g_sity of San Diego's ummer lecture sene.. ' father John Futrell, who ha spoken all over the world md wrmcn extensiHl> on the ·ubject of ministry, defined mm1 try a "human n·ice. in response to the human need of people " NOT ALL human services arc apostolic work, though. \\'e mu t cons< 10usly be doing that service to carry on tht 1111 . ion of the church," Father Futrell said . He ddi11cd the churrh as "Just u folks struggling to form a hurn ,n commumty until J sus comes again; we arc his bod nd do his work ••


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