News Scrapbook 1986 Diego, C<1lif. Southern Cross (Cir. W 27,500)

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Dally Transcript (Cir. D. 7,415)

SEP 11 19i6


P C B - USD president addresses church-university cont lict ._z//f?_5iy Veronica Garcia I (' \LA PARK - Althou •h the Un1\!:.!:;,1tY of :;n Dugo 1 1 Rom,m CatholH 111,1111111011, II 1s I sl'paratc II' y, ITl'1t· 1de111 ulhrn Hughe said. " It is 1101 "'"'ed ontrnll ·d or finan(cd bv lht' ( hurt'h thoui;h tht Dime ol S,tn Diego, the Rt h1;iou of 1ht Sacred II cart nd the l.uty· prov1d('(J lb 111111al


p 121986

.Jl/len '•

1 ,, 1 xxx

P. c. B

- USD's own Center fi~r te;est Law was the,ffx1 ind AB 2674, which goe~ ect Jan. l to strengthen the Brown Open Meetings Act. It requires local government agencies to provide the public with detailed agendas 72 hours in advance of regularly scheduled meetings. Decisions made on issues not on the agenda could be voided through a civil lawsuit. Students wrote and spon- sored the bill. L &-~~---..:.•_ •:.._.:.*___ P blic In-

I Ca1holi, umvers111cs were controlled b) 1he church , ac,,dc1111c frecdo111 and in ·t1tutional ,1u1,1110111\ "ould be t'ndmgered, he added · Hugh<'s qurned from ilw statement " Our tntlCs "ould charge that such d1rcu ecclcsia11tal tontrol llll'ans that our in t tt11ions <11..- 1101 11nin:rsi1ics at all, but pl.llt's of narro" scctan,m mdoctrination; hcntc they han 1w 11gl11 lCl da1111 public moni · lo suppor1 what "ould b,· ckscribcd as 1ht'1r pros ·lv1izing mission. Jf su, h a ,·1t'\\ pn·,·ail<-d in our tourls, IIH'n d('tadc . of Sacrifi,e by g<'ncia11011 of fac ul1~. s1udem 5 ,111d bcnefauors of Ca1holit uni,ersi1ie. 111 01 th America would have bt-cn ,quanden·d ' ",\ CATHOLIC uni,ers11y should Sl"l'\l' the churd1 as a univns1ty - not as a parish,'' Hughe· said. c~1holic umvcrsiues hare in 1he "idcr minis1ry of 1he chu1ch a an in titution of higher learning that pro\'idl's d1rcct1on for faith and life, and as a parunpant 111 the public life of the a1holic rn111mun11y, Hughe said, quollng Jrom ,, rt·c-...111. pcech b) B1shopja111cs :-..talone of Youm sto"n, Ohio, 'ational Conkn-1" ,. of Catholic Bi. hops president B, hop t\.lalon l11ghli1;htl'd the fan 1hat Ca1h11hc urmtrs111e, an.: ennd1cd b} thl' prt'scnc • of 1ht ,hurc·h.

\.\ahout n uninK her , the prt' 1dc111 rclcirt·d lo l-lckn C opl y, publi,h.. , of 'Ih, San Dittto Union mid The Tribrm,, who g l\l" up hu p<1sl as a SD 1rustc<· cvcral 1111 nth 1;0. • J'hnc wa never, a s ,1 11wttcr of record, a requ1· I Jn,m the cliotTs , the university 01 the board for 111y s11d1 at tion," H ughl', :aid Coplq "dH1 t' 111 we t"dc lo lh!' rt·qur I of ., fn, chon· m pncsls "ho bdrncd (ht'r) ttio11 be 111,1ppropn,11e as .i Caiholrt u11ivers11y tru 1c1· '

phoco b)I )arn l.w. trr,

Author Hughes:

'USO does not proselytize nor

indoctrinate for the church.' and "fhe church's undcrstandi11g of i1s fa11h 1s enriched throui;h the rnnstant pursuit of truth by u111\ers1ty theologian , " Hughl's said. Cornmunicauon me, hani,m arc n.-1·ti<-d do deal "with inevitable tension lxtwl'<.:n chunh and u111,-ers11v " he ·aid, addmg 1hat L,SJJ should take the firs1 stl'p lo~·~lly 10 develop a strategy IO deal with this tension

San Diego, Calif. Southern Cross (Cir. W. 27,500)

hither Charle ol Ameri ca ha. d,un h -univrr IIV

SEP 1 J 1986

Jlflen's P, c. B - USD names volunteer director \I CAI A l'ARK Ju~~•. , ,ol llllt•,·r , di11 .. 1to1 with 30 y( a1 s l')\~i/~-~·as n.urwd d11 t·cto1 lunt, cT prot;1,u11s ,ll 1h, U11i,,·1si1, ol l)ie •o R n,·1 \\ho has wo1 k, cl w I 1 SD ,olWJlt•t·r conrd 11a111rs 111 1hc· pasr, '"" l1111·d 111 h.. lp 111< ll l SI) ~tuduit \0l11nlt·t·1 ,H.l1\'1ti1•s 111 tlw u1111111111111 II L,SD's l•,,c,ill} Soc 1al fsst1, s ( 11111111,llt< cnMtion of th,· rH vv posillon ,H < 01d1n~ 10 pnif< sso1 .Joan ,\11d,·rs11n, wlin < l1a1rs lilt' COlll!J 1tu·c A 111 ,jor 1hrust of R,1 111,·1 's job will I,, lcad,rhp k1ll,11l1h,· 1t1d,·111swh11,11lu111,,r, ct R,1unc1 d, .ti \\1th in t\\o hooks h,· h.ts "' ,u, n l 1 , pl u 111, ·,·nsin Raun r h,,s cn tied ,111d mana(l< d "'', r,il p1 1,111 v.hit 11 I\< ,Hd up lo l 000 ,olt1111,·n ,ind h, s ,onduttl'Cl wen kshop~ .t11d


San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454)

SEP 12 1986

..Jlll,m'• -- / Toreros prepare to face Whittier Tr1butW.'t31~/l> again this year. He has an excellent TSIJ..ii;Hl be out to even the team's receiving corps, led by junior tight football series with the Whittier end Lionel DeMorst, who Jed the Poets when the Toreros open their team with 33 catches last season. eason tomorrow night al Newman _Joining DeMorst are senior Scott Field rn Whittler. Reilly and junior Jeff Mansukhani The Poets defeated the Toreros 32- with 16 and 15 catches, respectively. 8 last year and lead in the overall Dixon's backup is semor Pat series 6-5. McNamara, who also punts. "The key is whether we can move "We were pleased with our he football," said coach Brian Fo- scrimmage against Mesa College, es- garty, cor rrntly in his fourth year at pecially on defense," Fogarty said. ~D. ''Our major concern going into the Whittier returns eight defensive scrimmage was our defensive line tarters and 36 lettermen from last and linebacker personnel, and they year's club that went 7-3. played well.'' The Toreros, hoping to improve on The lone returning starter on the their 5-5 record, are returning 42 defensive line is senior Joe Muklev- lettermen and 13 starters. Last icz, a 240-pounder at nose guard. year's starter at quarterback, Pat The Toreros' first home game will Dixon who threw for seven touch- be against Redlands on Sept. 27 at dov. n~ and 1,150 yards, is starting 7:30 p.m. p c B 1 , ,sx;

Los Angeles. CA (Los Angeles Co) Times (Valley Ed.) (Cir. D 1,064,392)

SEP1 3198

fer 1888

Escondido, CA (San Diego Co.) Times Advocate (Cir. D. 32,685) (Cir. S. 34,568)

SEP 1 41986

.Jlllen '•

P. c. B



v.Academlc Honors

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir. s. 341,840)

Univer_!U~.Q!'..San Diego busi- ness student Valerie Johnson of Escondido recently received a $1,000 scholarship from the Cali- fornia Building Industry Founda- tioh. Johnson, 25, will begin work- ing on a master's degree in business administration at USO. She is a real estate loan officer at a Bank of America branch in La Jolla. ·:}-<\ 5'S"

SEP 1 319 •

.Jlllen'• P. c. B

'" 1888

Saturday, September 13, 1986 lnju y-plagued USD opens at Whittier ~y Vi_c_tor Yoshida "l Cf ~ we·re going to be is how lucky we are been very pleased. The guys have a We really h_ave no idea what to ex- st ff Writer r l ') J with injuries. great attitude. Our players believe peel offensively, because the two With the except10n of three ankles ''If we get some key people down, they're going to be good, and I think times we've played them, they've run and a knee, the University of San we'd be in trouble. We're all con- that's a big plus." two different offenses in the last Di~s a healthy football teain. cerned with those two offensive line- USO finished 5-5 last season, in- three years." USO defeated Whittier But those JOmts belong to four key men being down but the guys who eluding a 32-8 loss to Whittier {7-3). m 1983, 23-19. players. are steppmg m have done pretty Fogarty said he expects the Poets to A key to the Toreros' offense is The Torero open the1r eason to- "ell " be strong again, particularly on de- junior quarterback Pat Dixon, who night (7:30) at Wh1lt1er College with- ·The guys who are stepping in" are fense started nme games last year. "He's out sophomore center John Cowles sophomore guard Pat DeBlase and "Traditionally, (Whittier has) a been looking good," Fogarty said. (ankle mjury) and sophomore guard sophomore center Mike Childers, a very tough defense, very quick," he "He's way ahead of last year. I think David Gilmore (knee). Sophomore converted linebacker. If Enriquez is said. "They aren't very fancy; they that's the big key. He's a lot more w1,l re ·e1ver Ken Zampese {ankle), unable to play, freshman Todd Jack- just come after you. I think that confident in what we're doing and in key r rve, also is out, and sopho- son will start alongside sophomore agam, that's a reason for concern his ability," mor tailback Virgil Enriquez fullback Anthony Crivello. with inexperience on the offensive Another key could be Jackson, who ( n I ) 1 con id red doubtful Despite th inj nes. ogarly aid, line You can have a great game played for El Dorado High in Placen- W r little ban d up in a CO\J• he liked what 'he · m three weeks plan, but if you don't do well up front, tia last eason "I guess he's a p f pot that concern us c1al• of pr Mson drill it i. n·t going to matter. surprise " FogartY. said. "You never Iv tli -Offen ive line, lourtb- c r Practice ha gone well," he said. ·on our side defensively, we have expect a freshman to come in and I D coach Brian Fogarty said. •·we •I d n't know · th ar any ur- no .idea (what Whittier's game plan impress right away. We don't f~el thmk that we hav a c a e to be prises Pre ty much the guys we x- will be). ffiey didn'l scrimmage, so bad about Todd playing at alt He's pretty good The key to how good pected to start are starting. We've we didn't get a chance to see them. been running very well."

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