News Scrapbook 1986

National City, CA (San Diego Co) Star News (Cir. 2xW. 3,336) (Cir. S. 3,301) EP1 41

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341 ,840) EP 1 41


P. C B JU~ Jeanne Marie Fuller takes vows wit JgJI1es Christopher Bonk Jeanrc rJane F~er and James / I

Jlll~.. ·• p C. B

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lieve in Me," will be staged at the Plaza Bonita Mall Thursday and Friday at noon, 2, 5 and 7 p.m.; Saturday at 11 a.m., 1, 3 and 4 p.m.: and Sunday at 1, 2, 3 and 4 p.m. I • your future on your mind? If so, then Thursday's free Career Fair at San D,ego State University could be worth your whlie. More than 100 employer representatives will have booths set up on the Campus Lab lawn near Aztec Center between 9:30 a.m, and 2 p.m. Business, Industry, government, human services and education employers will be present to answer questions and distribute information. You need not be vulnerable to muggers, robbers and pickpockets. Senior citizens should be aware of methods to help minimize threats to themselves and to their homes. Thurs- day's Senior Supper at San Diego Phy- sicians and Surgeons Hospital, "How Not to Become a Crime Victim" will locus on these methods. Dinner will be served at 4:30 p.m. followed by the dis- cussion at 5:15 p.m. The meeting will take place In the cafeteria al 446 26th St Cost of the dinner is $2. It 11 not too Hrly to think about holi- day shopping . Buy some homemade gifts for others (or treat yourself to some handicrafts) at this weekend's arts and crafts show and sale The San- tee Arts Council's event will be from 9 a.m to 4 p.m , on Friday and Saturday in the Thrifty Shopping Center on Cuya- maca and Mission Gorge Road. - Mary Fr • ncH Smith

Christopher Bonk 111 exchanged wcddir.g \'O\~s at the Univer\ity of an Diego' Founders' Chapel on Aug. 2, Rev . William Mooney of- fidated at 1he traditional double ring Catholic ceremony. A lun- cheon reception was held at Paradi~e Bay following the ceremony. The bride's sister, Patricia Fuller of Anaheim, was the maid of honor. Kathleen Fuller of Anaheim, Kathr} Olio of San Diego and lJeboral) Wolfe of San Diego were bridesmaids. The groom•~ brother, David Bonk, was the best man. James Ingraham Jr. of San Diego, Peter Tansil! of San Diego and Jon Bottorff of Chula Vista were groomsmen. The bride is the

Peace ia worthy of a celebration and Tuesday Is the day to do It On the In- ternational Day ol Peace. as proclaimed by th United Nations General Assem- bly, local festivities will include a recep- tion In the United Nations Building In Balboa Park with various booths and presentations The reception and an ac- comp nymg Informa1,on meeting will be from 5 to 7 p,m. "Knplng Your Children and Teen- g r P!'lys1cally and Emot,onally He ilhy ' Is the title of Wednesday's program t the UCSD Medical Center The first ,n a aerie of free lectures at them d1caI center this week's topics will include discussion on communica- bl dJS e , nutrition, d preSSlon and su1cld The meet og will be from 7 to 9 p m In the first floor auditorium, 225 Dick, on St Puppet, nd mu,Ic will be used to llu Irate to chlldren the destructive qu Utlos of drugs and to reaffirm the I llngs of success and achievement that come when they resist peer pres- sure to use drugs A tree show, " I Be-

Jeanne Marie Fuller and James Christopher Bonk counting with honor~ from the University of San Diego in 1980. He is a certified public accoun- tant employed as a manager at Price Waterhouse.

The couple honeymooned in the Ban ff and Jasper areas of the Canadian Rockies. The couple plan 10 make their home in Chula Vista .

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341 ,840) SEP 1 4198 . ' 'It• P. C a


Current iHUH in discussed during T~ trt?t~re at the Universf)y ol San Diego. The lecture by Leonard H. Rob,r,son, president of the Al lean Development Foundation, is hosted by the World Affairs Councli of S n Diego. The program ,sat 7·30 p.m Jn ~ amino Theater Adm1ssio~ A,r;;; will be

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Daily Transcript (Cir. D. 7,415)

SEP 1 51986

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San Diego, CA (San Diego co,) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840)

'1 I ,IX, / USD Students ~~ie~~W:t~rtio Henning, boths University of San Diego business students, recently received $1,000 scholarship grants from the California Building In- dustry Foundation. Johnson, 25, of Escondido, is working toward a master's degree in business administration. Henn- ing, 20, of La Mesa, is a junior ma- Joring in business administration. Both also work in the construc- tion/real estate industry_ Johnson is a real estate loan officer at the Bank of America brank in La Jolla. Henning is a real estate salesman and property manager for a La Mesa-based firm. The grants were presented to the students by developer Harry L. Summers, a former USD trustee who has endowed a construction/ real estate scholarship program at the university. The Johnson and Henning grants were the first in a program that calls for two $1,000 scholarships each year. P C B. I "

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454)

SEP 1 41


P. C. B

/ ,, 1888

SEP 16 1986

USD's goal-line stand sto bittier, 20-16 ~frrVJ,' 1 ~e; (Sy ) was gomg to the corner." On WUITTlER - The University of fourth-and-goal. Juarez scrambled San Diego pulled out a 20-16 win last before finding Kaasinen at the four. night ov •r Whittier. He went to the one before Day's On fourth-and-goal from the USD game-saving tackle. 11, d f o 1ve back Brian Day brought Although the Toreros shut out down o t H rri Kaasinen on the Whittier in the second half, Dixon Tor ro one with approximately 30 and receiver Jeff Man ukham I ft to preserve the victory teamed to give the Toreros the lead rcboard clock was out or USO trailed 16-7 at half. Mansu- ord , wnich added to the thrilling kham caught four balls in the third fm1s as quarterback Pat Dixon fell quarter, including louchd wn recep- on th II to run out the clock. tlon of five an 5 yards to give the ''I think the defensive taff did a Toreros the opening-game victory. hell of a Job making adJustments," "We tried to hit him earlier," Fo- sa1d Tor ro coach Brian Fogarty. garty said. "But we just missed him." "Th d f n played well. We never For the game, Mansukhani had six d fend d agam t the option before" catches for 91 yard . Dixon bit 14-of- Wh1tt1 r had first-and- oal from 31 passes for 197 yards and three th 1x after a USO inter! r nee call. touchdowns. The Pod w re call"d for illegal USD was outgaincd. 374-291. Whit- motton and threw an inrornpl t ti r turned the ball over three times pa. , moving the bJII to the 11 (twice on fumbles), while the Toreros On th n •xt two plays. quarterback did not have a turnover Hamon Juarez attempted to hit Ron USO opened the scoring in the first , yke in the end zone. only to be quarter when senior wide receiver foiled Y cornerback Ben Scott Reilly outjumped a defender to Stoebner n econd- nd-goal, catch Dixon's 15-yard pass midway Sto bn r tipped the hall out of Sykes' through the first period. hand in the back corner of the end Whittier came back on its next zon . On third down, Stoebner jarred posse ·sion. Greg Salcido caught the ball I from Syk again in Juarez·s pass and bounced off two th end zon defend en route to the end zone. "I had a feeling they might run SD held the lead after the Poets that, Stoebner said ''I thought hr mi. ed the conversion. ---

..)lfleri 's P. C. B

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Chu,rEhJJRiversity Acccfr:tl',i~~he Tribune of Sept. 6 (Religion Page), Au~hor ~. Hughes, president of the Um,ve~~n Di~o states that the un1vers1ty 1s a "Roman Catholic institution," but that it is "not owned, controlled or financed by the church." This raises many questions. . . When was the umvers1ty pur- chased from the Catholic Church by this "separate legal entity" which Mr. Hughes says it is" Thousands of Catholics of the San Diego Diocese donated hard-earned dollars for the building of this expensive institution. Did they sell or give it away? How can Catholicism be "vitally present and operllt!ve" in ~his uni- versity which rel.ams on its staff teachers and a president who main- tain that Catholic universities have a right to dissent publicly from Catho- lic Church teaching? Catholic university teachers should either keep silent about their private theological opinions until they have been accepted as truth by the church they represent, or these institutions should acknowledge the fact that they are no longer Catholic. Where is it written that Christ es- tablished a debating society? -MARGARET L. JOHNSON La Mesa

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