News Scrapbook 1986

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. o. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840)

oc, 2 81986

So la n a Beach, CA (San Diego Co.) The Citizen (Cir. W. 20,000)

,)lll,n'• P c e

' , ,H n 1988 89, S.D. Opera to present one big season 5G

OCT 2 9 7986


.Jlflm'• P c B r ,. ,,,x "THE MISANTHROPE" The -;:,ioli;r~· ~lassie will be presented in French at B p .m. Saturday at the Univers_!!y of San Die1i9 Information: 260-4882. ) 1 5 5

the Ensemble Thi new group. which will mg tt inaugural seas in 1987, 1s the con pany's educational wing that v.ill take abridged versions of popul r operas to schoo , con1mumty groups, opera guilds an 1-'u he spa . h age young professional smg rs on a s~ort-term. full-lime basi fo1 four months begmmng in Sept mber 1987. En emble will

from the Pacific Ring Festival, the La Jolla Civ1c-U01vers1ty Symphony an(! SO AR, the departmenfs tontemporary music en emble The program will be delayed broadcasts of d1g1tally recorded concerts given at Mand viii Center on the t.JCSD campu . l o· Boesendorfer Concert enes of piano r c1tal will open on •'ov. 16. with an all-MacDowell program by Charles Fierro.

has programmed music by Bach, Piston, Serio and Prokofiev Harold Warman will conduct the SDSU Wmd Symphony in mu 1c by Malcolm Arnold, Samuel Barber, Gordon J cob, Frank Bencnscutto and Greg Steinke on Nov. 16 in the Dramallc Arts Theater at 3 p.m.

Donald Dierks

Campbell said the restru turmg will reduce production co ts and is expected to increase ngle ticket 1 and ubscriptions. H al ·o said that veral maior arti t:; who are not va1lable to open the eason a pr ntly tructured will be available under th new plan e consolidated eason also m ans th San Diego Opera mble won't have to operate dur th International ason, wh ch will free the taff to upport

• • •

d o talion KFSD- n broadca tmg a

On the air. FM (94 !) has

• • •

enes of cooccr and recitals produced b1 thr. music departm nt of UC D. Heard every third Friday at 10 pm~the sen WJl feature faculty and tud('nt performers, the music of resident compo ers, mu ic

Oo other campu e · Fl JSt Gary Schocker will play a solo r c1tlll 10 San Diego State Cmvers1ty Sm!lh Recital Hall on Nov 9 at 7 p.m Part of the DSU concert series Schocker

San Diego, CA (San Diego C ) Dau r o. ( Cl Y ranscr/pt r. D. 7,415) OCT 2 B1985

mu 1c department.



p C 8

1 "

I 11811

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Ocean Mission Pacific Beach News (Cir. 2xW. 21 ,600) OCT 30 1986

Santa Ana, CA (Orange Co.) Orange County Register (Cir. D. 271 ,281) (Cir. Sat. 264,966) (Cir. S. 302,808) OCT 3 1 936 .JllJau.. P. C. 8 I , ,. 1888

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Magazine (Cir. M. 20,324)

Procurement Officers 951;;, Twenty of t e ·nat1on's top pro• cure ment office rs w,11 come together for a conferenc on No . 13-14 at USD. They i nclude execu- tives fro'in General Motors, Nor- t hrop, Hewlett-Packard, IBM and Motorola.



, 1/ fl,n

°1 8 USO workshop probes " Th Luk Gospels" P C 8 I r

...-'1 _:':,l}J).btin~uisht:d Speakers Series7 MarJorie Blanchard ,peaks on ..Stn~~alancmg a Complicated Lile;· Oct. 'ffim brt

Z<=J 55

Television Breeders' Cup -

KNBC 4 wrll devotea lrve tour-hour telecast to cover Saturda}s event at Santa Anrta. The telecast begrrs at 11 a.m. Denver vs. Raiders - The Raiders. wie- ners of five straight play the 7-1 Broncos on Sunday at the Coliseum. the game rs a sell out. so KNBC 4 will te evrse t~ garm lrve at 1 p.m. What's Happening Breeders' Cup - Santa Anita rs the srte for thrs year"s Breeoers Cup on Saturday. The Clippers open their homo scheduled with Satur- day's game agarnst the Suns at the Los Angeles Sports Arena Tipoff is 7:30 p.m. WHAT'S HAPPENING Saturday College Water Polo D 8 a.m. - 49er lnvrtalional, Belmont Plaza. Tickets: $5, $B tor two-day tourna- Frrst post is 11.1 O a.m. Phoenix vs. Clippers -

ore Information,

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Ocean Mission Pacific Beach News (Cir. 2xW. 21 ,600)

Carlsbad, CA (San Diego Co.I La Costan (Cir. w. s,ooot OCT 30 1986

OCT 30 1986

ment pass (213-498-4949) College Soccer D 10 a.m. - Irvine. Free admission (854-8002) Women's College Soccer D 10 a.m. -

.Allen ', P. c e , " , • 8 9-,:rge_~~~ ..-.. apartmen complex for resident students at the University of San Di -- 0. e six-building complex, located next to the USD Sports Center. IS being built to alleviate a chronic housing problem for undergraduate and graduate students. 'This year we had to put 240 students in the Oakwood Apart- ments, in Pacific Beach." said Tom Burke, dean of Student Affairs. More than 100 graduate students were forced this year to take part m a housing lottery for the opportunity to live on campus. The complex being built includes 133 two-bedroom, two-bath apartments. All wtits will include a during area, a kitchen, a living room and a balcony. The buildings will be connected by second- and third-story walkways.

Jlll~,a ',

Biola at Chrisi College


P. C. 8


....,..-HE MISANTHROPE'-;· Th~ -~Jie~~lassic will be presented In French~~'.1,aturday at the University of San Drego. Information: 260-4682.

Rancho Santa Fe, CA (San Diego Co.) Rancho Santa Fe Review (Cir. W.) OCT 2 g 1986

Pomona-Pitzer at Clare-



mont-Mudd-Scripps. (621-8000) Horse Racing D 11 :10 a.m. -

Breeders' Cup, Santa Anita. Tickets: $2.75 general admission. (818-574-RACE) D 7:30 p.m. Quarter horses, Los Alamitos Race Course. Tickets: $2 25-$4 (995-1234) College Swimming And Diving D Noon !Jcb,etti~• ot San Ciego at UC Irvine. Free admission (856-6202) Women's College Volleyball D 7 p.m -Athletes In Action at Southern Califomra College. Free admission (556- 3610) NBA D 7:30 p.m. - Phoenix vs. Clippers, Los Angeles Sports Arena. Tickets: $5·$20 (213-748-8000) Sunday College Water Polo 0 8 a.m. - 49er Invitational, Belmont Plaza. Tickets: $5, $B for two-day tourna- ment pass (213-498-4949) Horse Racing 012:30 p.m. -Oak Tree Meeting. Thor oughbreds. Santa Anila. Tickets: $2.75 general admission, reserved seats an ad• ditional $2 or $3.50 (818-574-RACE) NFL D 1 p.m. - Denver vs. Rarders, Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum Sold out (213-322·3451) College Soccer D 2 p.m. - Nevada-Las Vegas at UC Irvine. Tickets: $1 .50-$3 (856-620% li3~=l'A"it•l: illlll

RSF Past To Be Unearthed An archa o ogisl who has conducted numerous digs in t~e RSF area will present hi s findin gs on pre-Covenant hum n scul ment~ in a program at the annual mee ting of the RSF Ht t nc.11 Society. in the library ov. 6 at 7 p.m. . University of San Diego profes or James onorty will di spl y photograph and other m morabilta originating m the dawn o the Ranch to augment his pre .ntation, "Early Life in Ran cho anta Fe, As Determined By Archaeolog ical Stulh ." Am ing features of the event wi ll b..: detai l of the life of Ranc h Riding Club founder John Roi t on. ror Iurth r information call 6 2990. ;,

El Cajon, CA (San Diego Co) Daily Californian (Cir. D 100,271) 001'31 EB&

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Magazine (Cir. M. 20,324) OCT 1986

Jlfk,.', P, C. B

F.,,. 1888

trtng !nstrurnents - or San Drego Will h~Un1veity mtfflre""!llld-strrng lo~ . . oon of p.m. Nov. 2 in Cam, at 2:15 USO, Alcala Park Fr no Room 131 at · ee admission ·----~ -



.Jlll,,11'• P. C. 8

of Busi- t. wilh Law-

iness l 'pdate Fall



ness breakfa,t semrna~ rence Barry speaki11g"sn7•; uilding Skills for Managers," Ocl. 3. Charles Holt speaks on " How's Bu ines-?" Oct. 10. Jacquelrne Brown speaks on ··could Marketing Research Help Your Organization?" Oct 17. Miriam Rothman speaks on " Frred! " Oct. 31 Continental breakfast at 7~serninar at 8. Reservations: 260-4585.:..---

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