News Scrapbook 1986
san Diego, CA (San Diego co.) Evening Tribune (Clf. D, 127,454)
nr.1 o i986 arvest season reaps bounty of holiday social doing ':/; A( Tl: 1.. · · social harvest has been rich mas. The Brace family, beginning Dec. 20, wm n, •, IS busy posing for_a portrait b)'. cbastlan and vaned ow the season's emphasis is lay at Brick House Tavern m Williamsburg ano Capella, a La Jolla artist She rccent1y. won the .c I lee on the approachmg November/December later at Williamsburg Hospitality House. portrait sitting at an Opera Guild fashion $how hohdays and events related to them. Orgamza- The holiday house party group will mclude: Mr. benefit . tions a well as mdividuals are as busy as the and Mrs. Kim Brace (Candace) of Fall Church, Mr. and Mrs._Michael_ Ibs ~onzal~z, who recent- merchants m featurmg Thanksgiving and Christ- Va., and their children, Christopher and Warren ly enjoyed a tnp to Chma, d_1d the1~ holiday plot- m · Clayton Brace; Mr. and Mrs. Craig Lapp (Lynne ting before they left. .Their festive board on As always durmg the holidays family members Brace} and son Jeremy of El Cajon; and Mr: and Thanksgiving will be enJoyed ~y 35 guests, mclud- and m moncs dictate the programs of celebra- Mrs. Michael Hentigan (Kerry Brace) of La Me a ing their children and gra~dch1ldren and Mr. ~on- tor , m pirini: reumons, celebratior1S for family The San Diegans will return Jan. 3 after a week in zalez's relatives from T1Juana and GuadalaJara, vi itors, and 1..... 1ly getaways. Wa bington, D.C. Mexico. . . . -:;. Clayton Brace (Jeanne) will be iomed by Mrs Brace's daughter, Diane, will remam in Their joint family men bers will mclude Mr. Jackso ,Y-)_ most m mbers of her family for the Christmas Seattle during the holidays. She is with the Pacific and Mrs. Michael Gonzalez Jr (Sall_y) and Mr. and 1. holidays in Williamburg, Va., which is rich in his- Northwt:st Ballet Company, which has commit- Mrs. Maxwell Boone HeHmann (Candy Gonzalez) tory and famous for its holiday festivity. Friends ments in Vancouver, British Columbia; Portland, of Encinitas and their ch1ldrert Mr. anc :!\'rs. Rob- will enjoy her house here for a (:alifornia Christ- Ore.; and Seattle during the holidays. Mr . Brace Please see JACKSON, E-4
-::J (J £
by Mr Cousins and selected the 76 pages of text from mne of Mr. Cous- ins' books. Retired Army Brig Gen. and Mrs. Tom W. Scott (Marian) of La Jolla, who celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary this year, will be with family members to celebrate Mrs. Scott's 80th birthday, Nov. 23, and Thanksgiving. The Scotts' son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Scott Jr. (Mary Ellen) and children - Michael, 17, and Jeffrey, 13, - who now live in Cota de Cazo in Orange County, expect to have a new address in Birmingham, Ala., by Christmas. Mr. Scott will be general manager of a hotel in the Lincoln Hotel chain there. Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Scott's son and daughter-in-law, retired Col. and Mrs. David Randolph Scott (Lurton) and children - Tracy Lee, a Stan- ford University gradua e; and Doug- las William, a UCLA student - live in Manhattan Beach, Cahf C'ol. Scott, a former astronaut and now an engi- neering executive, was commander of Apollo 15 and an ast ·onaut of flights of Gemini VIII, Apollo IX and Apollo XV. Dr. Author Hughes. president of University of San Diego, and Mrs. Hughes ('.\large) return this week from their first trip to the Orient. Dr. Hughes, a member of the board of directors of California First Bank, attended board meetings held in Japan. Later, he and Mrs. Hughes continued to China. Before leaving here Oct. 6, Dr. Hughes welcomed Frank Alessio and Terry Brown as new members of the board of direc- tors of USO. Mr. attti-Mrs . John Whitney (Dorene) of La Jolla will be joined on Thanksgiving by their daughters: Kim of San Francisco; Katy of Los Angeles; and Joan, a USC senior and journalism major who will move after graduation t'o Washington, D.C., where she will work for CBS. Mrs. Ann Chambers of La Jolla, whose recent travels have been to Alaska and Hawaii, will be here with family members for the November/December holidays. Holidays loom large, and appar- ently they can't come soon enough for some of the party plotters who are ready for them.
ings during the November holidays. Mrs. Cokely, an experienced host- ess, met two challenges - heavy rain and competition from a major league baseball playoff game - with gracious success at a recent party for 100 guests in her home. She quick- ly set up television sets for game viewers. Her threshold was ready for dripping umbrellas, and her roofed lanai. setting for food and beverage stations. offered intriguing garden vistas through silver curtair1S of ram. Toasts were lifted to several birth- days that night, including those to re- tired Rear Adm. Anthony K. Ka1res, retired Rear Adm. William Darnell of San Clemente, Mrs. Bruno Hoch- muth (Mary), and Mrs. Thomas Wornham (Laura) of La Jolla. The party served to welcome retired Rear Adm. (Medical Corps) and Mrs. Quintos E. Crews (Maybelle), recent- !} of Oakland who have returned to live in the r home on Evergreen Street. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Jessop (Elizabeth) of Point Loma y. ,II cele- brate the Thanksgiving '10!,day in Long Beach with Mrs. Jessop•~ son and daughter-in-law, Dr and Mrs. J. Martin Hogan (Audrey) and Mrs. Hogan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Putnam of Long B ach. The Jessops hope to be established by Christmas m their Point Loma home now being refurbished. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Hazard (Mary) of Mission Hills will celebrate Mr. Hazard's birthday, Nov. 1, at their Lake Tahoe condominium. Their more extensive travels were to Africa last summer With them on Mr. Hazard's birth- day will be relatives: M~. a,1d Mrs. Roscoe Hazard (Dottie), ho also have a vacation condominium at Lake Tahoe; and Mr. and Mrs. John M. Murphy (Jane) of La Jolla. On Christmas, the Bruce Hazards will be Joined by Mr. Hazard's on-m- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hoffmann (Polly Hazard) of New York City. The Bruce Hazards al- ways observe "open house" for friends and neighbors from noon until 3 p.m. Christmas. Dates for the New Year as well as holidays are being schedules already. Retired Rear Adm. and Mrs. Rob McGregor (Mary) of Point Loma will celebrate Adm. McGregor's 80th birthday with a pre-Valentine cele- bration Feb. 9 at the Officers Club, Marine Corps Recruit Depot. Next spring, they plan to go to Milan, Italy, to visit their son, Rob Roy McGregor Jr., a banlrer, and his wife, Ann. The McGregors' son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Rush (Bonnie) Ji ·e here, and their son-in- law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Mi- chael Melfo~ have been enjoy- ing tawny autumn at their home in Westchester, N.Y. Photographs by Mr. Melford, an artist/photographer, were featured in the October issue of Life Magazme and the September issue of Travel and Leisure Maga- zine. Photographs also will be featured in an exhibition at United States In- ternational University in November. They are by Norman Cousins, distin- guished award-winning author, lec- turer and magazine editor, and are from his new book, "The Human Ad- venture, a Camera Chronicle." Mr. and Mrs. Cousins (Ellen) of Beverly Hills will be honored guests at a dinner to be hosted Nov. 6 by USIU President William C. Rust at the University's McDonald Hall. Mr. Cousir1S' book was printed in Hong Kong and was designed by Mr. Cousins' friend Antony di Gesu of La Jolla, a famous photographer, who chose the 76 worldwide pho~ographs
Co,;tm cd From E-4 "11ih'tial luncheon boutique of the San Diego oc1al Service Auxiliary from "Au- tumn Harvest'' lo "Holiday Harvest" to w den the benefit's decor theme. The aux11iary's party \\ill be given for the Sisters of soc·al Service in an Diego in The Grand Hall at All Hallows Catholic Church, La Jolla. The organization was conceived in 1940 by the late Mrs. Frank A. Riehle {Laura). It became active in 1941. Four of the seven co-founders still active are Mmes. Ralph C. Hardie (Teresa), George H Eilerman (Helen), LY Brabazon (Irene), and Lawrence Oliver (Mary). Mrs. Hardie of Kensington who celebrated her 10,nd birthday Tues- day, still keeps the Social Service Auxiliary's guest books and rarely m1 , es an auxiliary meeting She Wal! born, as she puts it, "in another cen- tury ' on a farm in Chillicothe, Mo , and has lived here ince 1925. Mrs Hardie was president of the Social Service Auxiliary m 1945, and her daughter, Mrs. Robert C. Howard (Mary-Em) of La Mesa was auxiliary president in 1975. Mrs. Hardie anct Mrs. Howard will be honored with other past presi- dents of the auxiliarv at the Nov. 6 luncheon boutique in ·La Jolla. Other honored past presidents, who served from 1945 to 1983, are: 1:mes Bernard Maloney (Florence); William J . Dowd (Helen); Frank H. Gonsalves Jr. (Ruth); Roy G Fitzger- ald (C a1re); Raymond E. Smith Mane); Patrick J. Enright (Lydia); Fred G. Meis (Esther); Frank C. Jonas \ 1:arge); Charles Oliphant (Kay); William K. Buckley (Marga- ret); Roy Webber (Adel); Frank J. Sipa n (Bern ita ); Richard Shea (Louise), Harry J. LaDou (Bee); Ray- mond M. Kroger (Carolyn); R.F McGowan (Marion); S. Falck Nielsen (Charlotte); John D. Hardie (Marion), Edward T. Keating (Pat); Gordon name of the
Two of the main- ta of The San Di go Social Ser- vice iliary are M . John Rippo (Eleanor), left, and Mrs. Ralph C. Hardie (Tere a). Mrs. Hardie celebrated her 102nd birth- day Tue day.
*Jackson---------------- 1
personality; Hal Clement, KFMB-TV news reporter; Art Lmkletter, TV and radio broadcaster; and their wives. Mr. and Mrs. John Rippo (Eleanor) of Mission Hills have an involved family holiday luncheon/boutique of The San Diego Social Service Auxili- ary on Nov. 6. The Rippos will give their annual party on the night of the Parade of Lights (a festive proces- sion of decorated and lighted boats on the bay). The event can be seen from their house, which has a pano- ramic view of the harbor and Point Loma. The Parade of Lights will be Dec. 21, which happens to be the 20th birthday of the Hippos' grandson, An- thony John Rippo, a UCSD student. The Dec. 23 birthday of the Rippos' son, John A. Hippo, also will be toast- ed at the party. The Rippos' daugh- ter, Bonnie, of San Antonio, Texas, will be here for the Christmas holi- day. This year, Mrs Rippo changed the JACKSO/\" E-5
San Diego Hilton he has persuaded Mr. Gonzalez to erve as master of ceremonies of the event, which promise to live up to its title: "Let's All Be Children for The Day " Mrs. Charles W. Henkelmann (Joan) of Bonita who will serve as co-cha1rman of tile party, will press her husband, Dr Henkelmann, into jolly service as anta that day. "Mr and Mrs. teams also will be featured at •·Celebrate the Holidays," a benefit exhibi on by and for San Diego Historical 1ety Nov. 23-Dec. 14. The exhibition will feature 30 or more vignettes depicting Christmas scenes created by designers, archi- tects and landsc·pe architects force- lebrity ho ts ne festive, extended di play will open at a gala preview Nov 22. Among those who will be repre- sented m vig ettes are: Charhe Joiner of the u Diego Charger ; San Diego Padres Terr; Kennedy and Tim Fla1llfry; Jerry Coleman, who broadcaSJS Padres baseball g mes on tel ion and radio; Clark <\n hony. KFM adio and telev1S1on
Conlinued From E 1 ert Kennedy (Be
) and son of Ran-
cho ion lhlls; and Mrs. Gonzalez brother•m- law and I ter, Mr and Mrs. James Kendrick ( ~argaret) of La Jolla. On Dec. 6, Mr ntl 1rs Gonzalez will alt nd the wedcl ng In Wayzata, Mmn., of ~r . Gonzal z' daughter, Mrs. Margaret nyder Fox, and Brauno Slanov k1 In mid-December, the Gonzalez hom will be the settmg again for the annual Chrlstma party given by the Committee of 100, an orgamzation upporttve of Balboa Park and Its architecture. Hu b d alwa have been im- rtant 1al a ets a corts and ho ts, but th year they are takmg c nter tag a acto on the social scene \\ 1v , includmg Mrs. Gon- zal z, who are act1v m volunteer wor~ for community endeavors, are m orporatmg their husbands on their committees. Mrs. Michael lbs Gonzalez will be chairman of the annual Children's Party from 2 to 4 p.m., Dec 21 , of the an D1 go Opera Assoc1at1on at the nta Fe; Fred Snyd r of Mi
Mr. and Mrs. Cousins ofBeverly Hills will be honored guests at a dinner to be hosted Nov. 6 by USIU President William C. Rust.
Krauss (Georgella); Robert Kaveney Kathy); Austin G. Madden (Mary); Don Butterfield (Jan); and George McClenahan (Sally). Mr . John O'Leary /Nikki) ·s c r- rent president. and Mrs. Charles W. Hickey (Regina) of La Jolla is presi- ent-elect. Mrs. Warren Beach (Eleanor) of Point Loma celebrates her birthday ov. 26, the day before Thanksgiving. She is the co-curator of the current historic exhibition "Americana 200 :rears and More," which will be open until Dec. 1 at the Mingei Interna- tional Museum of World Folk Art in ·niversity City. Mr. Beach. who was director of the San Diego Museum of Art 1955-69, ~nd Mrs Beach will entertain Dec. 19 for Mr. Beach's brother and sister-in- law, Dr. and Ms. Northrop Beach Myrtle) of Minneapolis. The visitors will spend the Christmas holiday here. Mrs. Harold J. Cokely (Opal) of Point Loma will spend the Thanksgiving holidays with relatives mMemphis, Tenn. Her grandson, Mi- chael Guartararo, elects to remain in her home here for turkey and trimm-
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