Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (3)

I ,ras attracted by his personality as n child. I ~atchcd ~ith interest tho development of this young life. My boys, too, "ere gro,;ing up at this time, and I of ton thought of '\"ih& t I ~-:as doing to c.ducoto them, and of ,;.tint Iu. Buddy i7D.S doing to educate Charles Francis ns his mother delighted to coll him! Mr. Buddy o.nd I often conversed about the education of our children. The young man 1;a.s qui ck to toke ndvnn tago of his opportuni ti cs, his mind 1.-as alert, reccpti vo and rotenti vo. Steadily upTard he 1;cn t in his educational co.recr. It became evident even in his childhood that ho had a strong bent to~ard tho religious life. Ho delighted to serve as acolyte at the altar at the Convent. He even had a little al tor at his homo ..-.-i1cn he ·:·ns a ncro child. And so I think the family early in the life of Chnrlos Francis began to realize that he hnd been called of God to be a priest. This opinion nas confirmed as the of his boyhood r;ent by and his youth came into full development. Ho 1,ns a hc2lthy, 1:holcsome boy, a. thoushtful youth -i:.-i th ,-:-horn I ho.d mnny Thero 1:ns o.1-r:-ays left upon me the impression that he ,·:as thinking of the deep things of life, nnd trying to find himself, and prop8rly plnco himself nhorc ho could do the most good. Ho did not talk of a business co.reer. He did not sc.y, "T""."hon I become established in business ni th my fo. thcrrr nor 11 V:hen I got rich I 1.-111 do thus. nnd so." Ho talked to me about social ~ork, the poor, the troubled ones, the sick o.nd nfflictod, the handicaps of tho colored people, the under-privileged children. During tho passing of the yocrs Y:c had convcrsotions o.nd sncitc!1cs of convGrso.tions G.bout various organizations ~it~ ~hich I ~cs connected- The Tuberculosis Society, Tho ~clfnrc Bocrd, The County F~rm, Tho ~oslcy House, its creation and manngo:-ncnt and its ,-:-ork nr.1ong tho forcisn lo.borers 0.t Tho Stock Yards, The Momorio.l Home for Aged People, The HoDc of tho Friendless, o.nd tho unfortunate young TTomcn and their babies, and Tho Home for Li ttlc Vinndcrors, and Tho Noyos Hospital. He ~as evidently sincere in all this and socking informc.tion end prnctical experience in an intelligent study and survey of St • .Joseph's social problems. Vii th all of this nork I ,-:-o.s closely identified, and \"ii th the origin of some of it I had much to do. To mo it r;ns most grn ti fying to knoTI tho t hero i70S n young mc.n \.'ho pro::ii sed much for the social up-lift of St • .Joseph. ~nen ho become n priest and Assistant Pastor of tho Co.thodral, Clnd Chaplain to St.


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