February 2017 Newsletter





A S O N E O F T H E U S T A ' S T O P 6 P R I V A T E T E N N I S C L U B S I N T H E N A T I O N , H B C C B O A S T S E X C E L L E N C E I N F A C I L I T I E S . H E R E ' S W H Y Y O U S H O U L D B E U S I N G A L L O F T H E M !

It ' s something tennis players love to feel ... standing on the corner of the court , knees bent softly , weight forward , racquet light in the hands , eyes intensely watching the opposing player toss up the ball . Inhale . Their breath holds for just a moment as the " pop " of the serve echos . Hold it a moment longer as reflexes reach out with a forehand return . Exhale with the power and adrenaline rush of the swing . There ' s something about that first returned ball ! At Horseshoe Bend CC , our players can experience this rush in so many different ways ! Those who are new to the game often are unaware of how individual surfaces may change how they play , or how mere degrees in how the racquet is held can send the ball either low over the net or 30 feet in the air . So what exactly does all the jargon mean ? Director of Athletics , Luke Burden , breaks it down and makes it easy to see why it ' s a sport everyone should play .

L : Tennis is a great “ lifelong ” sport ! Not only is it a great social outlet for many people , it has many health benefits that truly make it a game that can be played at any stage of life . Being non - contact and low impact , tennis is a relatively injury - free sport while helping to improve aerobic fitness , anaerobic fitness , hand / eye coordination , mental alertness , body control , speed , and strength , just to name a few . Tennis is a wonderful ' lifelong " sport ! What about the game makes it so appealing to all ages and abilities ? "Programs are designed to allow each player, no matter what level, to gain the instruction they need in a fun environment." Lu k e Bu r d e n D i r e c t o r o f A t h l e t i c s , Ho r s e s h o e B e n d CC

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