1983 Alcalá
ACCOUNTING SOCIETY In it's vibranthirteenth year at USD, the Accounting Soci ety is a student organization which promotes interaction of accounting students in academic, community a d professional endeavors. Besides operating a lab for all students of account ing, the Accounting Society sponsors a variety of speakers throughout the year and conducts tours of local and interna tional C.P.A. firms. The Accounting Society also hosts a diver sity of social activities involving faculty, alumni and leaders i the business community, including the Annual Spring Ban quet. At the banquet, the society honors those seniors complet ing the C.P.A. and awards scholarships it raises through don tions. Under the experienceand care of Ethel Sykes,the Ac counting Society is greatly supportedby students, faculty and professionals, and acts as a tool facilitating exposure to Ac countancy. 1st ROW L to R: SallyValentine, Nancy Rojas, Kate Hannon, Beth Claar, Lori Robinson. 2nd ROW L to R: ShereeLabar- bera, Ethel Sykes,Tracy Maupin,Joanne Fletcher, ElisaLu- cero, Kevin Madok, JeanneFuller, BethOlsen, Holly Smeltz, Kathleen Van Tassell, Julie McCarther, Jean Corley. 3rd ROW L to R: Michelle Steger, Boh Rosendale, John Ringrose, John Morberg, Mike Furgal, Katja Rinnert, Freeman Robbins, The resa Traylor. A.E.D. Alpha Epsilon Delta is an honorary society which offers students interested in the health professions a chance to inves tigate the various career options available. Theorganization has sponsored events which include obtaining speakers from medical schools, representatives from the Navy regarding Mili tary Medical Scholarships, and tours ofthe UCSD Medical School. Peer counseling, tutoring and information on profes sional schoolsare all offered by AED. 1st ROW L-R: Bill O'Connell 2nd Row L-R: Sue Cullinan, Maria Cossio, Chris Graulau, 3rd ROW L-R: MaryKovac, Ann Tommey, Leslie Schumacher, Edward Warren. ALCALA WOMEN'S CLUB The AlcalaWomen's Club is an organization f women who are selected on the basis of such criteria as academic achieve ment, leadership, and dependability. There are three facetsof A.W.C.: serviceto the University, service tothe community, and women's awareness. A new club on campus, A.W.C.has alreadyparticipated in Women's Opportunity Week, the Governor's V.I.P. Luncheo the U.S.D.Fashion Show,the Heartof San D iego Marathon, and the stocking project for the Women's Commission of Alco hol. FRONT ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: Georgina Arcaro, Carol Da mon, Jean Corley, Patti Lindhorst, Diane LaHay, Lori Murray, Gloria Blanco, SharleneHagan, SharonDudek, Judy Lester, Bonnie Kieta, Maria Brightbill. Second ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: Darla DeSimone, Mary Leingang, Linda Prentice, Denise Capozzi, Joan Charlesworth, Angela Ashford, Jeanne Russo, Arcelia Morales, Teresa Pesqueira, Suzanne Burke, Ba bara Healy, Johnna Matranga, Daryl Lynn Lalli,Lisa Maner, Margherita Pingitore, Paula Puente, Patricia McFadden, Bon nie Montali, Paula Charbonneau, Anne Osborne, Anna Ra mirez, Laura Sinacori, Dauri Chase, Jenny Isham, Ann Ha- gerty, LindaMorales, NOTPICTURED: Virginia Stehly and Carolyn Emme.
School of Business
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