1983 Alcalá
Universityof San DiegoArchives
University of San Diego
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Which is more beautiful? I see Hundreds ofseagulls soaring together Then I see One seagull sailing alone High above, through acloud I see a jet plane Is the beauty entirely inthem Or partly in me too? Where does the Supremebeauty lie? In each one Or is there more beauty in the gift that I can decide? Kathy Chandler
Holding Hands
Desperate fingers delve into a cocoon of warmth (Our Father, who art in Heaven) Nerves tingle, skin sighs (Hallowed be Thy name) The message is massaged into the hand of one from the other (Thy kingdom come) With soft caresses and loving strokes (Thy will be done) An Embellishment of faith Communicating through the language of touch (For Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory) The message needs no interpreter (Now and forever) All is safe (Amen)
Yolanda Lewis
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Bishop Maher serves USD as its Chairman of the Board of Trustees. His association with the university goes back to the merger of the College for Women and the College for Men in 1972, a move in which he was the driving force. His generosity is marked by the donation of the St. Francis Seminary to USD. He has instituted many social services in the local Catholic community, and has achieved the formation of many new parishes throughoutSouthern California.
Board of Trustees,
The Most Reverend I.eo T. Maher, D. D. Chairman Mrs. Helen K. Copley Vice Chairman Reverend Monsignor I. BrentEagen Secretary Manuel Barba, M.D. Mr. Thomas C. Barger Mrs. Wilson B. Baugh The Reverend Robert T. Callahan
H. John Cash in, Ph.D. Mr. James W. Colachis Sister Frances Danz, RSCJ Mr. Daniel W. Derbes Mrs. William G. Duflock Mrs. Ernest 0.Ellison Anita V. Figueredo, M.D. Mr. Kim Fletcher Mr. J. PhilipGilligan Mr. Charles M. Grace Mr. Ernest W. Hahn Mr. Bruce R. Hazard Author E. Hughes, Ph.D. Mr. Peter J. Hughes Edmund L. Keeney, M.D. Mr. Tawfiq N. Khoury Mr. Eugene V. Klein Mr. Douglas F. Manchester Sister Anne O'Neil, RSCJ Mr. George M. Pardee, Jr. Mr. A. Eugene Trepte Mr. Richard P. Woltman Mr. Walter J. Zable Trustees Emeritus Mr. Arthur H. Kaplan Mrs. Timothy J. Parkman Mr. William K. Warren
Mr. Leland S. Prussia Mr. 0. Morris Sievert Reverend Monsignor William D. Spain
Led by Chairman Bishop Leo T. Maher, D.D., theBoard of Trustees is composed of thirty-six peoplewho re present all walks of life. Academi cians, scientists, physicians, religious affiliates, businesswomen and men, and homemakers comprise this astute body of people whose job it is to guide the university in all matters. The Board formulates the major policies and the thrustof the university. This year the Board catalysed the explosive growth of the USD campus with the completion and opening of Our Lady Of Guadalupe Hall and the ground breaking for the new School of Busi ness Administration and the Man chester Executive Conference Center. Groundbreaking was also the order of the day for the much needed expan sion of the Copley Library. Also on the Board's agendaof new buildings (and championed by President Hughes) is the proposed Student Center. 20
Sr. Sally Furray, Provost
1. Dr. James Burns Dean of the Schoolof Business 2. Dr. Joseph Pusanteri Dean of the Schoolof Arts and Science 3. Dr. Edward DeRoche Dean of the School of Education 4. Dr. Irene Palmer Dean of the Schoolof Nursing 5. Dr. Patricia Watson Dean of the Educational Developement Center
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LEFT TO RIGHT: Linda Scales, Barbara Burke, Janet Sims, back row Bob Liebman, Peggy Agerton, Wilson Schurr, BetsyWinters, Fr.Paul Donovan
LEFT TO RIGHT: Kathy Frisbie, Sr. Dale Brown, Kath leen Dulan, back row John Sansone,Phyllis Doyle, Herbert
LEFT TORIGHT: GayeSoroka, BarbaraSchmitz, Judy Sandman, Sr. Lorch, Tom Cosgrove, back row Karen Reed, Linda Patzold, Dave Navarro, Jean Grech, Rich Hagan, Tom Burke, John Triflletti not pictured Skip Walsh, Rudy Spano
LEFT TO RIGHTFront row:Sheryl Lorey, SisterAnnette Bourret, Susan Car- rico. LEFT TO RIGHT Back Row: Dr. Ray Brandes, Anita Welker, Holly Farina.
Director of Admissions: Kathleen Estey. AssistantDi rector of Admissions: Carol Holmes
<§erra Hall
LEFT TORIGHT: DonnaGeraci, Cheryll LeMay, Ed Cosio, Jim Whitaker, ChristopherFredricks.
LEFT TO RIGHT Front Row: Kathleen Estey, Carol Holmes, Cheryll LeMay, Donna Geraci. LEFT TO RIGHT Back Row: Ed Cosio, Jim Whitaker, Christopher Fredricks.
John Trifiletti, Skip Walsh, Sr. Helen Lorch, Fr. Larry Dolan, Sr. Tim, Fr. Owen Mullen
Sara S. Finn, Sandra Elderman, Peggy Platzer, Joan Murry
LEFT TO RIGHT Front Row: Eileen Ward, Father Cahill, Linda Dieter, John Gary Becker,Rick Herrera. LEFT TO RIGHT Back row: Clay Epperson, Don Pannier, Kevin Brogan, JimReilly, KenGross, TedGosen.
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PURCHASING LEFT TORIGHT: AnnLorden, Kathy Knowlton, M Griffith, Palma Schuemack.
LEFT TO RIGHT: Lisa Rosales, Carol Johnson, John Pennington, Betty Mur phy, Sandy Dubler, Mai Fisher, LeRoy Weber, Lilly Launer. Not Pictured: Marc Brown, Cedric Roberson, Laura Zieminski, Steve Zappone, Mike Furgal, Anna Covarrubais. LEFT TORIGHT Front Row: Marge Castanzo, Darlene Smith, Jayne Beat, DoreneDeturi. Back Row: Janet Payton, Barbara McCarron, Mi- chele Williams. BOOKSTORE STAFF
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S aW r " ' . . 1 I . - . 1 H 1: : / i LEFT TORIGHT: JoanGermany, Kitty Robern, Betty Chapman, KathyGentry, Greg Modugno, Ruth Silva,Robert Martinez, MarySuesz, Art Hyss ; > mBt'
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LEFT TO RIGHT: MoniqueLamphiere, MarcyRuch, Lori Newman, Ann Reisch, Mark Sperrazo, A1 Mswia back row Mike Matraga, Fred Bustria, SusanHerron, Jackie Graif, Brain Farrow, Steve Marks, Trish Ewers
Alma Aquilar, FrankMiguel, JackPope, CynthiaChiu, Fred Aros, John W. Paul, Kevin Jones, JohnO'Toole, BobDickey, Carol Surtzer, CurtBruggman, JoeFrazier
LEFT TO RIGHT: Mark Killeen, Bill Fackler, Dave Navarro, Fr. LarryDoloan, JohnPhillips, MikeLindmark, Mike Kurran
LEFT TORIGHT: Val Skufca, Kathy Raskob, Jeanne Schell, Cindy Beezley, back row Kathy Henwood, Sr. Lorch, JeanneRusso
LEFT TORIGHT: JohnAmaranto, Nadine Ridge, BobMuellen, Terry McGowan, back row John Trifilette, Cathy Campbell, Chris Pascale, Mark Tunney, TerriMelvin, ScottMcKay, Micheal D'Amelio
LEFT TO RIGHT: Brock Arstill, MartyGlenn, Mary Cumfo back row Frank Bugelli, Mary Pat Hoffman, Jean Grech, Christopher Bush, JulieCarper
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/A. a-jcui*- John Aganon Kimberlee Aids Ume Ajitsinh Renda Aladray Arlene Alcala Janet Alexander Edward Aloe Eduardo Alvarez Merrill Amend Sharon Amend John Anastasia Ali Anderson Peter Andrade Patricia Appel Yareli Arizmendi Douglas Armstrong Jeanne August Virginia Awender Shawn Bacile Gerarda Balagtos Allison Bailey Joe Baldus Jodi Balsis Lisa Bamhurg 34 I Frank Barbalaco Cristy Barone John Barron Dana Bart Eliazbeth Bartell Nicole Basque Andrea Basso Kerry Bateman Yvette Batista Laura Baz Jaime Bea John Beattle Kim Beebe Katie Bell Bonnie Bennett Jeanne Bernard Chris Bertrand Victoria Biagiotti Paul Biane Jill Birmingham Alan Blach Ryan Blaine James Bodien Susan Bonagura 35 Richard Bonora Bruce Bowser Colleen Boyce Leslie Boysen Debra Brajevich A; Geralyn Bratlien Charles Brewer Pat Briscoe Susanne Britsch Sherry Brown Gwen Brubaker Robert Brunning Lori Buck Taylor Buck Andrea Buell Allan Burgonio Patrick Burke Sean Burke Joe Bushor Rosanna Calderon Elizabeth Calfee Frank Callahan Andrew Camacho Gilda Camacho Tracy Cambre Alan Campagna Marica Canady Maria Capozzi Annette Carlson Erica Carlson 36 Christine Carothers Paul Carrese Pat Carrier Caroline Carson Tim Carter Eduardo Castro Francisco Catibayan John Caulfield Julie Cella Brett Chambers Linda Chan Michael Chandler Joel Chavez Simonne ChinSang Tom Christ Angela Clark Catherine Colbert Bruce Coleman Whitley Collins Elizabeth Colonna Mario Coronado Carol Corporales William Creagan Karen Crowley 37 Reed Cullen Sean Cunneen Mark Curran Cynthia Currie Lori Cushman Christine Cutri Elise D'Angelo Michael Dalton Christiane Darby Brendan Daly Geraldine Dart William Dart Ed Dauer Craig Davis Michael Davis Paul Davis Sean Delaney Theresa DeLos Reyes Denise De Sousa D. Dewhurst James Dibble Debbi Dimaggio Michael Ditomaso Allison Dittmer 38 Paula Dobin Diane Doherty Morgan Drake T. Drake Charles Duncan Joseph Durnford Timothy Durnin Suzy Duyn Deborah Dyar Michelle Dykstra Elise Eberhardt Shirley Edwards John Eikenmeyer Stacey Ekar Peri Eldred Thomas Emge Judy England William Engle Michael Eppinger Mark Ernst Christina Etter Bernadette Fager Charles Fares John Farley 39 Katherine Farrand Laura Farr Brian Farrow Donna Fernandez Kelley Fertal Suzanne Figueroa Thomas Fink Dave Finn Joe Fish Kara Fiore Mary Beth Fitzgerald Shelia Flaherty Greg Fleming Patricia Foley James Footh Eileen Fox Mary Francis Katherine Frankum Julie Freimuth Toni Gallo K. Garret Paul Garson Jay Geissinger Anthony Gilbreath 40 Jan Gilliam Theresa Gilligan Kathleen Gilmore Phyllis Girimonte Gail Giuliani Victoria Goehner Lorelei Gollbach Peggy Gonzales Bonnie Goodman Brenda Gordon Teresa Gorham Carol Goulding Steve Greene Robin Grendahl Kristen Groeniger Julia Grover Amy Gualtieri April Guray Bill Gustafson Dorothy Haddow L. Habworth Tod Hakes Brian Haley Rhonda Hall Juliana Halter Linda Hammond Rachel Hanlon Anne Hansen Charlie Hanson Cybele Harris 41 Anne Harrison Maureen Hauber Jeannie Helfrich Elizabeth Hendricks Karin Henson Nora Hermsen William Herred Mike Hill Tom Hillebrecht Jeff Hines Kathleen Hines Carla Hoffman Kathleen Hogan Richard Holguin Jan Hollalan Joseph Holmes Daniel Honikel Walter Howiler Kevin Hughes Susan Hultin Phillip Hunsaker Terry Iglesias Joni Iglinski Todd Imhof 4 2 Susan Infantino Denise Ingwensen Amy Ivey Michael Jackman Laura Jackson Laurie Jacobs Ursula Jaehn David Jarboe Maria Javier Chris Jensen Carlos Jobim Arlene Johnston Bill Jolley Kevin Jones Kimberly Julien Celeste Kankowski Teresa Kasperick Virginia Kearns Jerome Keeney Amy Kelley Aileen Kelly Kathryn Kelly Robb Kenyon Guo Lai Khoo Keiko Kikuchi Phil Kissane Genevieve Knych Deanne Kopkas John Kratochvil Adriana Krupienski 4 3 Joe Lamantia Kim Leahy Lisa LeBaron Carol Lee Karen Lee Lorraine Lee Richard Lehn Greg Levi Michael Licosati Joanne Liesegang Susan Lindhorst Meredith Lohne Alex Lombardo William Long Michael Lorden Elizabeth Love Andrea Lucas Kathleen Mackerley Ronald Magnaghi Sean Maley Alicia Manley John Manly Martha Manriquez David Marianacci 44 Jeanne Markel Kurt Martens Scott Martin Lissette Martinez Mary Rachel Martinez Michelle Mascari Janine Mason Amy Massonette Clarissa Mata John McDonald Paul McDonough James McHugh Marianne Mcintosh Dana McKean Daniel McKeon Robert McLaughlin Gerard McNamara James McNamee Jennifer Mead Michael Medrano Frank Miguel Hector Millan Denise Miller Vesna Mitovski 45 Jeffrey Moore Michelle Moore Pam Moore Randy Moore Casey Morales John Morberg John Morris Patty Morris Pat Mowen Sarah Muldowney Rollie Mullen Mary Munoz Geraldine Murphy Tim Murphy Linda Nalepka Dayna Nashert Andrew Nemeher Catherine Neumann John Noriega Jeanne Normandeau Leigh Norman Eric North Hilary Noskin Shawn O'Hearn 46 L. O'Leksyshyn Catherine O'Neill Katherine Olson Robert Olson Maria Ortega Margarita Ortiz Gina Osimma Michael Ossmen Veronica Oswald William Ottenheimer Brenda Otto Carlton Palmer Agatha Palomares Solon Papastefan Mike Pappas Heather Parham Roger Parkinson Ronald Parra Gaylea Parry Robert Pascual Mary Payne Jennifer Payton David Perry Regenia Peters 47 Julie Peterson Kristen Peterson Maureen Philpott Jessica Piccini Michelle Pieksma James Pierik Richard Pietras Jacqueline Pinch Lisa Pisani Theresa Plum Antoinette Polak Teresa Pomeray Jon Poole Danielle Popp Jolene Preus Laurie Purshouse Kathy Quinn Matt Radisch Jeanne Ramacciotti Leonard Razatos Daniel Redivo Adam Reek Susan Reese Lynne Reimann 48 WfjtrM x. : < Janice Remington Clare Reynolds Monica Richter Hector Ripa Linda Ritchhart m R A . A Doeleen Rizzo Mary Robert Jeanette Robertson Adriana Rodriguez Mary Ellen Rojas f- i " jtxsM 17 i# * ^ L U f ml Lisa Rosales Mike Rossi Mark Rossi Stein Rotten Eric Royer Amy Rubinfeld Anne Ruta Kim Ruzich Isaac Said-Nejad Anthony Sales Robert Salgado Antonio Samaniego Donna Lynne Sanchez Vonda Scanlon 49 Karen Schechtel Laura Scherrer John Schilling John Schlegel Sue Scoggin Darren Seidel Deneyse Serino Anthony Sgro Terry Shafer S. Shoey Tomas Sinsky Robert Sitton John Slaught Eileen Slavin Andrew Smith Carole Smith Kattie Smith Lori Smith Shannon Smith Janet Soltys Julie Soltys Dante Sorianello Jennifer Soriano Robert Soto 50 Nick Spardy John Spilotro Conrad Spils Carole Steele Michael Steinhafel Marcia Stelzer Sandra Stewart Glenn Still Benjamin Stoebner Lea Stockman Mary Stuyvesant Lisa Sutherland Dina Swanson Siobhan Taber Martha Tabor Marty Tallman Pam Tamusaitis James Tannatt Harold Tasker Charisse Terry Terence Tessier Molley Thommen Amy Thor Michelle Tiffany 51 Nancy Titcombe Patricia Todora Sharon Trebowski Suzanne Treese Roberta Trewhitt James Tuccinardi Eileen Tumlin Bryan Turner Stacy Turner Oona Twigg-Smith Chester Umaguing Randalls Underwood Margaret Vacio Jean Van Ness Suzanne Veloria T. Veloria Edward Vido Patrick Vontscharner Nikola Vucurevic Jayne Waggoner Paige Waggoner Patrick Wakeman Peggy Walker Elizabeth Walters 52 Joe Warniek Kristen Watts Amy Wayne Amy Jo Wayne Elizabeth Weatherby Margaret Weaver Spencer Webster Toi Webster Terese Whalen D.D. Wharton Nancy Wheeler Peter Whittier Theresa Wilhoit Toni Wiltgen Therese Winters Rosemary Wolf Terri Wood Lisa Worsch Judith Wrappe Michele Yancher Stephen Zappone Stephannie Zogob Monica Zrinyi 53 / Cjlou . 4*ut ^£iajl l hjjjtJ, Zjtxj UuJtxu ^ txKiU ZALxxi cU yoax. j2xJje.cJ_icxcZ -^xAuJcxt. n ^ZlaJk ya-ct a jlxxvu- ^Abc£j £&Z.tmy, ZSZA- r -Jtcyat-' you- ictU/LexJfdZniZ-. ^rin. ycAtTn^ /n^UL- cl-nit- KO-U. Uiexi- At ZAxx /oAxxi, .ixmxy iZxuj — ^dZAoaXd -Z/-L. , ix.r-tx.K< i/Axtxxtxixj / — ^ x.iA/( J —Axed xKxxdtxUxeu Uxyox^ iJ JitxuL- - d/xuAeU dxiL. yydZZy jOKii' ax-ii.. x>ijX
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Z-dey ULCU_Ztxj AxAAxs &£s IXZtjL do JxiS A^AxzUiV JAU .^(Uy Zu d UUX^xxytKtK. /ZasUxH Dr. Elizabeth Arnold Business Evelyn Anderson Nursing Dr. Joan Anderson Business Fred Bahr Business Dr. Robert Bacalski Spanish Harriet Baber Philosophy Regina Aune Nursing Dr. Dwight Bean Mathematics Miss Mary Beschorner Education A Janet Blenner Nursing 56 Dennis Briscoe Business •Ik.:. Dr. Louis Burnett Biology Dr. George Bryjak Sociology Prof. JohnChambers Political Science Dr. Dennis Clausen English Lawrence Carlton Philosophy Dr. David Burt Business Dr. Robert Corbeil Biology Dr. Nancy Ellen Cook Business Pamela Connolly Fine Arts Dr. Alana Cordy-Collins Anthropology William DeMulignon Math Dr. James Daniels Business Dr. JoanneDempsey English Dr. Ross Dingman Biology Fr. LawrenceDolan Religious Studies Dr. JohnDonnelly Philosophy \ S f *i Dr. Patrick Drinan Political Science Dr. Hugh Ellis Biology Dr. Kathleen Dugan Religious Studies 58 A. "* Dr. James Evans Business Timothy Erwin English Gerald Estberg Physical Science Jerry Ferry Business Danine Ezell Biology Dr. William Foster Education Dr. Patricia Feulner Sociology Dr. Lee Gerlach English Dr. Clare Friedman Mathematics Dr. William Freitas Spanish 59 \ sSife RoseMary Goodyear Nursing James Gump History Dr. Stan Gurak Math Marjorie Hart Fine Arts Janet Harrison Nursing Dr. Michael Haney Psychology Dr. Bridgitte Halvorson German Dr. ElizabethHenniger Business Donald Helmich Business David Heller Biology 60 Dr. Ronald Hill English Dr. Lawerwnce Hinman Philosophy Dr. Charles Holt Business Dr. Johanna Hunsaker Business Dr. Phillip Hunsaker Business Dr. Patrick Hurley Philosophy Phillip Hwang Education Dr. Robert Infantino Education Robert Johnson Business Dr. Gary Jones Philosophy 61 Fr. DennisKrouse Religious Studies Dr. JanisKoop Math Dr. HenryKolar Fine Arts Wayne Label Business Dr. Helen Laperrousaz Italian Dr. StaceyLangton Math Sr. Helen Lorch History Phoebe Lee Nursing David Light Business 62 Dr. Patricia Lowry Education Dr. Gary Macy Religious Studies Dr. Cole Maines Biology Dr. Don Mann Business Sr. MarinaMapa Spanish Dr. John Marambio Spanish Ann Maulsby Nursing Fr. James McGray Philosophy Fr. Joseph McDonnell Religious Studies ^ ik Dr. Virginia Muller Political Science Dr. Jack Morrison Education James Moriarty History Barbara Olinzock Nursing Dr. Gilbert Oddo Political Science Benjamin Nyce English Dr. Robert Nelson Education Dr. Angelo Orona Anthropology Jack Opdycke Physical Science Dr. James Otte History 64 Fr. Ronald Pachance Religious Studies Dr. Donald Peterson Physical Science Dr. Cynthia Pavett Business SBH| Fr. NicolesReveles Fine Arts Dr. Eugene Rathswohl Business Dr. Jack Pope Academic Computing Dr. Mario Picconi Business Dr. JeanneRigsby French Fr. Norbert Rigali Religious Studies Dr. Rosalie Rhoades Education 65 Dr. DennisRohatyn Philosophy Dr. Joseph Rost Education Patricia Roth Nursing Dr. DelwinSchneider Religion Dr. DessieSeverson Biology Sr. PatriciaShaffer Physical Science Fr. WilliamShipley Philosophy William Soukup Business Stephen Shoenherr History Lynne Small Mathematics 66 Dr. Curt Spanis Biology Dr. Gerald Sperrazzo Psychology Dr. Edwin Stecher Business Dr. DeForest Strunk Education Dr. VirginiaStover Math John Swanke Philosophy Ethel Sykes Business Patricia Traylor Physical Science Dr. Barton Thurber English Stephanie Tarkington Education 67 Dr. JohnValois Psychology • # ' P Dr. MichaelWagner Philosophy Dr. Jane Via Religion Jacques Wendel French Dr. Mary Warren Psychology Dr. EdwardWarren Physical Science Sr. ElizabethWalsh English Dr. Ray White Physical Science Therese Whitcomb Fine Arts Dr. JamesWeyant Psychology 68 Dr. Larry Williamson Speech Communications Dr. Irene Williams English Gary Whitney Business id 1 Hubert Zelechowski Business Dirk Yandell Economics Dr. Jan Writer Education Dr. Paul Woodson Biology 69 Charles Teplitz Business Dr. IrisEngstrand Dr. Carol Baker History Biology John McCabe Business Deloss McGraw Fine Arts- Art Dr. EugeneLabovitz Sociology Dr. Danile Moriarty Psychology Dr. James Hottois Political Science Dr. Doris Durrell Psychology Dr. Michael Soroka Sociology 71 That man is a success who has lived well laughed often and loved much; who has gained the respect of intelligent men and the love of children who has filled his niche and accomplished his task; who leaves the world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy a perfect poem or a rescued soul; who never lacked appreciation of earth's beauty or failed to express it; who looked for the best in others and gave the best he had Unknown /A. l'JtLAJU, fa/cuj OAX /ty ~tuH.^Zeu-f-T^ti, /QxtfUx 7 d™-yixd ~AAU.- -^V*' dduj G dd--JuaII a.u C+n^fuj U/: Jl6**__ i ad- CijLcy. xi&xfAdi yicjUJUy 2^H<^l . j iked JbL:l &. 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