1983 Alcalá


The Junior Senators, Cindy Beezley and Tom Burns worked together this yearon the Home­ coming Float, the Powderpuff Football game and the JuniorClass BBQ. In addition to this, Cindy servedas the ICC Representative for the Senators and as a member of the Student Refer­ endum Committee. Tom served on the TG Com­ mittee, now defunct and on the Honor Code Development Committee.

SENIOR SENATORS The Senior Senators, Mark Tunney and John Cappetta worked together on the Commence­ ment Speaker and the organization of the Com­ mencement Ceremony, the Senior Celebration party, and helped organize an information source for Graduate Schools, interviewing infor­ mation, and much more. In addition, John served on the General Education Requirement Committee and Mark served on the Budget Committee and as a ICC Representative for the Senators.


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