1983 Alcalá
The Freshmen Senators, Joe LaMantia III and Steve Greene, though new at thisbusiness, have been hard at work this year, doing such things as canvassing door-to-door to get ac quainted with other Frosh, and to hear their idea and input on different issues concering USD Undergrads. They also worked hard on this year'sFrosh Homecoming Float.
The Sophomore Senators, John Napoleon and Chris Kanzius have really accomplished a lot this year. John served asthe Chairperson of the StudentReferendum Committee (trying to work out solutions so that enrollment at USD can be maintained at 3000), helped to organize tutoring schedules and organized Grievance Night. Chrisworked hard to organize the School BBQ, replacing the TG during Homecoming Week. Healso served on Program Board as the Senator's Representative.
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