1983 Alcalá


Front L to R: Sally Vanderstoop, Mike Wisniewski, GingerMario Back L to R: Mary Leingana, Mark Hawb- litzel

The Social Events Commit­ tee helps in all areas of plan­ ning and running the Social Events that are organized through the office of Social Chairman. During the year 1982-83, these events included, TG's, Homecoming, Spring Ball, Disneyland Trip, Laser- ium, Concerts, and many more. SPECIAL EVENTS

Busily out planning-you guessed it- special events, the Special Events Committee was unavailable for pictures (They don't want me to tell you that the picture to the right is a pic­ ture of them, so don't tell them I told you, okay?). Headed by Social Chairman Mike Wis- nienwski, the Special Events Committee deals with the "really big events" oncampus coordinating and implement­ ing them. (They're really cute though, aren't they?). These are the people to thank when everything goes right, (such cu- ties-couldn't you just go up and kiss them on the cheek?) A nice group ofkids- andvery aquati- cally inclined.My kind of peo­ ple.

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