1983 Alcalá


Front row (L to R): Jim Accurso, Johnna Matranga, Dave Goddard, Carolyn Emme, Steve Welch Back row (L to R): Chris Pascale, Guy Webb, Steve Calloway, Mike Wis- niewski, Mark Tunney Would youtrust your money to these people?Neither would I. Seriously, the Budget Com­ mittee was charged with ap­ proving each programming event expenditure. Headed by Secretary of Finance Dave Goddard, the BudgetCommit­ tee did its utmost to prevent the frivilous use of ASB funds. Highly respected by all other ASB committees (you have to or you won't get the bucks), when Budget Committee spoke, people listened.


L to R: John Cappetta, Mark Tunney, John Napolean, Steve Green, Dee Moore, Tim Dunn, Joe LaMantiar, Dave Goddard, Carolyn Emme, Rod Valdivia, Maria Grightbill, Tom Burns, Tim Beaulieu, Cindy Beezley, Guy Webb, Mike Wisniewski, Vince Kasperick, Chris Kanzius, Tom Burke, Tom Cosgrove This ecstatic group of people composed theAS Senate (ASS, for short). Incredibly happy to have beenassigned the duty of overseeing all ASB related events, the '82-'83 Senate fell all over themselves with joy and enthusiasm at servingthe students and providing an at­ mosphere conducive to quality academic and social exper­ iences. Okay kids, you can stop smiling now.


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