1983 Alcalá

Front to Back (L to R): Maria Diaz, Kenny Baher, Greg Bart, unknown, Mercedes Albers, Cyndi Bartel, Matty Sandavol, Jean Gilmore, Cindy Beez- ley, Delores Reina, Jane Douglas, Ga- brielle Nierodzinski, Carol Switzer, Bill O'Connell, Maria Perez, Janie Hoffner, Rhonda Martin, Brett Campbell, TeriDel Colliano, Maggie Keller, TomEhman, John Ringrose, Pat Morrin, John Faul, Bob Rosen- dale, Lolitta Foster, Darcy Denos, Monie Captan, Annette Kitagawa, Chiarme Paras Standing to the left: Guy Webb, Robin Giamela, Angela Tarantino, Gina Arcaro, Barbara Schmitz What do you get when you fill a room full of blue sweatshirts repre­ senting every USD club? Besides a smelly room, you get the ICC. ICC was in charge of every club's funding, pro­ gramming of events and providing campus activities such as dances, speakers, and bakesales (thank God for those!). ICC coordinated activities and created club interaction. These particular individuals threw air­ planes, talked on the phone, did their homework, or slept duringthe meet­ ings. It was rumored that once or twice they discussed issues for specific clubs as aboard of approval and pro­ gramming body. This board was head­ ed by one popular Guy. (Sorry Guy, we couldn't resist.)



Left to Right: Puni Snow, Tom Twardzik, Mark Killeen, Rick San­ chez, Sr.Tim, Guy Webb, Daryl Lynn Lalli, Maria Brightbill, Joel Sweimler, Peter McGuine, Delores Reina, Jim Hitchcock Back Row: Chris Kansius, David Lincoln, Carolyn Emme, Bucky Philips, Matty Sandoval, Mike Wis- niewski, Meg Heidrich, Dave Goddard Not Pictured:Michael Fowlkes, Judy Lester, JohnPhillips. The ProgramBoard, headed by our illustious Vice-Presi­ dent Carolyn Emme, was re­ sponsible for all of USD's on- campus social activities. Com­ posed of representatives of the entire strata of student organi­ zations (from Dave "I know the Kennedys personally" to Jim "I knowI look bitchin' in this suit" Hitchcock), the Program Board (not theprogram bored, Joel!) made sure that there were no overlaps or conflicts with events sponsored by the various organizations.

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