1983 Alcalá


Top L to R: Tricia Ray, Ann Tommey (Chairperson), Angela Tarantino, Gina Arcaro, CarolDamon Bottom L to R: Vince Skahill, Vince Kasperick (Advisor) Under the auspices of fair politics, the Election Commit­ tee has hit new heights inim­ posing the proper regulations upon the would—be senators, presidents, and queens of this campus. An increase in active member enrollment has aided the processes set down by the chairperson, Ann Tommey. These people unselfishly gave thier time and energy to keep the democratic way of voting alive and well. True, there were hard times, but these paled in the comparison of the rewards that were heaped upon this group of dedicated Americans. Their highlight came at Home­ coming, when they were privy to the election of the queen be­ fore anyone else.


L to R: Mark Killeen, George Plimp­ ton (Speaker), John Phillips Headed by Mark Killeen and John (Bucky) Phillips, the Speakers Bureau brought top rate speakers such as George Plimpton and Dr. JimTunney (yes, he is Marks dad) to the USD campus. Mark and John worked hard the entire year to allow the USDcommunity the opportunity to be entertained by prominent speakers.


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