1983 Alcalá

DIRECTOR OF INFORMATION Left to right: Johnna Matranga, Daryl-Lynn Lalli- Director of Information, TomBurns. The Director of Information's primary task is to make sure the work on upcoming events gets around on campus. Daryl Lynn Lalli, appointee to this newly establishedpost, found the position "interesting and fun". According to Daryl Lynn, "Basically I get to paint a lot of p sters. Oh yeah, I also get the inside trackon beach parties!" Her committee of10 helpers, when not out scurrying through the party grapevine, assisted Daryl Lynn in spreading news about Laserium, the Scream­ ing Memes, George Plimpton, and many other campus happenings.

SOCIAL CHAIRMAN As Social Chairman, Mike "How do you say his last name?" Wisniewski s responsible for plan­ ning and supervising such spectacular events as the HomecomingDance, the Spring Ball, Laser­ ium, andthe ASB Disneyland trip. Beforetheir early demise, the T.G.'s were also the responsibil­ ity of Mike and his Assistant Social Chairman, Mark Hawblitzel. By the way, it's pronounced "Wiznizski". Or is it "Wiznewski"?Tell us Mike.


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