1983 Alcalá
As a member of the Executive Board inthe Senate, the Secretary of Athletic's position entails numerous responsibilities. Tim Beaulieu provides assistance to the sport clubs in terms of organization and funding, which is very beneficial to the athletic opportunities on campus. He also works togetherwith the athletic department in advertising sporting events and orga nizing sport tournaments. As moderator of the cheer leaders, Beaulieuorganizes theirselection and han dles their budget. One of the largest responsibilities that theSecre tary of Athletics has is Torero Week. By working with the other programmers in ASB, he schedules fun and spirited events during the week leading up to the Homecoming Game and Dance. Inaddition, the halftime ceremony at the football game must be com pletely organized with the aid of the Senators. Finally, the concession stand at the home football games, being the cheerleaders' main fund raiser is watched over by the Secretaryof Athletics. Besides being a demanding job, Tim Beaulieu finds his job one of the most enjoyableand interesting that he's had.
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SECRETARY OF ACADEMICS The Secretary of Academics serves as the Student Representative to all committees that concern Uni versity Academic matters. These include the Cur riculum Committee,the General Education Commit tee and the ScholasticHonesty Committee. Maria Brightbill also serves in the capacity of F ulty/Career Forums Programmer.This year shehas sponsored such forums as "'82 Election Issues', "What To Do With A Business Major", and "NROTC at USD". Finally, the Secretaryof Academics serves as the Chairperson of the Academic Research Grant Screening Board which awards over $4000 yearly for research grants.
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