1983 Alcalá


"This is a job for Superman." But since the guy couldn't make it he sent Tom Burke to us instead. Charged with maintaining an open li e between students and administration. Tomwas the liason for matters from Food Service to Health Service. Housing, commuter transporta­ tion, and Campus Ministry were also under Tom's jurisdiction. With a man like Tomwork­ ing for us, who needed Clark Kent?

COMMUNITY SERVICES Meg Heidrick and Matty Sandoval. See Mat­ ty's smiling face. See Meg's smiling face. See the smiling faces of many inthe community because of the workMeg and Matty didas Directors of Community Services. M & M (as we lovingly call them) helped to coordinate activities that allowed students an opportunity to reach out and interact with USD's neighborhood. Activi­ ties such as the highly successful annual Senior Outreach Weekend andthe CannedFood Drive during Thanksgiving permitted students the chance to "come down off the hill" and partici­ pate in getting to know their community be ter. The TiajuanaOrphanage Trip, Christmas Car­ oling at retirement homes, and the coordination of the Big Brother/Big Sister Program ( first at USD) were other eventswhich offeredstudents the chance to meet new people and do a good deed. Meg and Matty also began anew commit- tee-The Executive Core Group- which consisted of representatives from all on-campus service organizations. This committee met to support each other on various projects and to co-sponsor other projects. See Matty's smiling face. See Meg's smiling face. Seea job well done.


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