1983 Alcalá


The Secretary of Communications' main function is to put out the monthly ASB Social Calendar which includesorganizing all monthly events, meetings, and other such material that would be important to the USD Undergraduate community. Dave Lincoln is also in charge of most campus publicity. On a weekly basis he must fill and empty the campus showcases and any ASB bulletin boards. Dave Lincoln also oversees the Sign Shop andthe Director of In­ formation.


SECRETARY OF JUSTICE The Secretary of Justice's duties include act­ ing as Chief Justice of the Student Court, serv­ ing as an advisor to the ElectionCommittee and serving as the ASB Representativein all disci­ plinary cases. Vince Kasperick, on top of all of the above, spearheaded adrive for a return toopen parking policy and spent a lot of time throughout the year trying tomake it work. Finally, Vince Kasperick was able not only to expand the size and jurisdiction of the student court but also able to give it more structure by drafting a set ofbylaws.


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