1983 Alcalá

VICE- PRESIDENT As Vice-President Carolyn Emme was an ex- officio member of all A.S.B. committees. Pri­ marily though, chairing the Program Board was her main function. As chair of Program Board the Vice-President coordinated the program­ ming efforts ofall directors and organizations. She was also a member of Budget Committee and Senate. Should anything have happenedto our beloved president Ms. Emme would have been the next one "in charge." Aside from being Vice-President, Carolyn enjoyed being a "nor­ mal" student.

PRESIDENT Serving his second year as A.S.B. President, Vince Guilin's prime responsibility as "The Big Guy" wasto oversee the activitiesof the A.S.B and to continuein his quest to "make the A.S. knowledgeable of the university system." Vince also worked to make A.S.B. amore harmonious and responsive group. "I want students to really feel like we're here to represent them, not just our own interests." Vince also continued with his plan of making USD known not only as a "social" school, but also as an academic and service orientedschool. Goodjob Vince!


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