1983 Alcalá

BETA ALPHA PSI Beta Alpha Psi is the National AccountingHonor Fraterni­ ty. In its second year at USD, Beta AlphaPsi's primary objec­ tive is togive recognition to academic and professional excel­ lence in the field of Accounting. Membership in this organiza­ tion includes those persons of good moral character who have achieved academic and or professional excellence in account­ ing. These membershave been initiated according to the offi­ cial ritual of the Fraternity. Nice-looking group of future C.P.A.'s, eh? PICTURED L to R: Sally Valentine,Mrs. Ethel Sykes(advi­ sor), Mark Schaeffer, Kate Hannon, Tracy Maupin, Nancy Rojas, Bob Rosendale, Kevin Madok, Jeanne Fuller, Mike Fur- gal, John Ringrose, Beth Olson, JeanCorley, Katja Rinnert, Lori Robinson, Sheree La Barbera. BLACK STUDENT UNION The BlackStudent Union provides anopportunity for stu­ dents toinvolve themselves politically, economically and so­ cially within the USD community and society as a whole. This club is active in fund raisers, community service and social functions. This allows a prosperous exchange of ideals and values among studentsof all origins. 1st ROW: Tony Johnson2nd ROW L to R: Cindy McCowin, Cherisse Brennan, Eric Dixon, Lolita Foster, RichDavis, Gail Polk. 3rd ROW L to R: Mark Roland, Michael Fowlkes, Regina Peters. CIRCLE K Well, another fantastic year has occurred for one of the most spectacular clubs on campus (yes, the copy editor is a bit biased). Circle-K, a university level service organization which promotes student involvement in community and on-campus service projects, this year held its traditional Swap Meet for Oxfam and continuedits involvement withe Special Olym­ pics. The club also supported the Officeof Community Ser­ vices with the Senior Citizens' Outreach Weekend. Circle-K also supported the yearbook by taking out an ad in Alcala '83 (the only club to do so in 1982)! A new andvery well received event sponsoredby Circle-K was Holiday Transportation,in which club members provided transportation for students w needed it after the holidays. Circle-K also worked with Circle- K clubs at SDSU,UCSD, Pt. LomaCollege, and Grossmont College in enhancing awareness of Circle-K and what the orga­ nization istrying to do. Part of the K-Family, Circle-K is the college equivalent of the Key Club and the Kiwanettes, and is sponsored by the Kiwanis. 1st ROWL-R; Lisa Herman, D'arcy Denos, RosemaryBoatright, Jesus Bautista, Chiarme Paras, Annette Kitagawa, Beatrice Cruz. 2nd ROW L-R: Shawn O'Hearn, Susan Grable, April Guray, Deanne Koplas,Marianne Artho, Paul Davis, Rebecca Valdivia. NOT PICTURED: Yolanda Lewis, WeiliYang, Gou LaiKhoo.


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