1983 Alcalá
BETA ALPHA PSI Beta Alpha Psi is the National AccountingHonor Fraterni ty. In its second year at USD, Beta AlphaPsi's primary objec tive is togive recognition to academic and professional excel lence in the field of Accounting. Membership in this organiza tion includes those persons of good moral character who have achieved academic and or professional excellence in account ing. These membershave been initiated according to the offi cial ritual of the Fraternity. Nice-looking group of future C.P.A.'s, eh? PICTURED L to R: Sally Valentine,Mrs. Ethel Sykes(advi sor), Mark Schaeffer, Kate Hannon, Tracy Maupin, Nancy Rojas, Bob Rosendale, Kevin Madok, Jeanne Fuller, Mike Fur- gal, John Ringrose, Beth Olson, JeanCorley, Katja Rinnert, Lori Robinson, Sheree La Barbera. BLACK STUDENT UNION The BlackStudent Union provides anopportunity for stu dents toinvolve themselves politically, economically and so cially within the USD community and society as a whole. This club is active in fund raisers, community service and social functions. This allows a prosperous exchange of ideals and values among studentsof all origins. 1st ROW: Tony Johnson2nd ROW L to R: Cindy McCowin, Cherisse Brennan, Eric Dixon, Lolita Foster, RichDavis, Gail Polk. 3rd ROW L to R: Mark Roland, Michael Fowlkes, Regina Peters. CIRCLE K Well, another fantastic year has occurred for one of the most spectacular clubs on campus (yes, the copy editor is a bit biased). Circle-K, a university level service organization which promotes student involvement in community and on-campus service projects, this year held its traditional Swap Meet for Oxfam and continuedits involvement withe Special Olym pics. The club also supported the Officeof Community Ser vices with the Senior Citizens' Outreach Weekend. Circle-K also supported the yearbook by taking out an ad in Alcala '83 (the only club to do so in 1982)! A new andvery well received event sponsoredby Circle-K was Holiday Transportation,in which club members provided transportation for students w needed it after the holidays. Circle-K also worked with Circle- K clubs at SDSU,UCSD, Pt. LomaCollege, and Grossmont College in enhancing awareness of Circle-K and what the orga nization istrying to do. Part of the K-Family, Circle-K is the college equivalent of the Key Club and the Kiwanettes, and is sponsored by the Kiwanis. 1st ROWL-R; Lisa Herman, D'arcy Denos, RosemaryBoatright, Jesus Bautista, Chiarme Paras, Annette Kitagawa, Beatrice Cruz. 2nd ROW L-R: Shawn O'Hearn, Susan Grable, April Guray, Deanne Koplas,Marianne Artho, Paul Davis, Rebecca Valdivia. NOT PICTURED: Yolanda Lewis, WeiliYang, Gou LaiKhoo.
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