1983 Alcalá


The Pro-LifeClub isdedicated to the preservation and en­ hancement of all human life.Its prime purposes are to educate the U.S.D. communityregarding abortion, supply feasible al­ ternatives to problem pregnancies, and to create an awareness of all human life issues. As such, the club works with the U.S.D. and San Diego communities to help support women during problem pregnancies. Members also train to work on the San Diego Pregnancy Hot Line. This past year the club held a Baby Clothes Drive to serve the infants born in p egnancy homes in the SanDiego area. 1st ROW L-R: Bridgit McGarry, Monique Muther, TomEh- mann. 2nd ROW L-R: KatieKearney, AnnetteKitagawa. Not Pictured: Elsa Englund, Danna Bart, Kathleen Lawrence, Cathy Campbell, Rebecca Lucero, Laura Lindberg, Paul Dav Cecelia White, Janine Mason, KathleenGilmore, KathyOtto, Helen Zigio, Terry McGowen, VinceKasperick, Cyril Flavin, Mary Anne Bussino, Kerri Neu.


Here seen enjoying a leisurely lunchat the chic "El Raton", the Psychology Club is an organization which is open to every­ one- Psychmajor ornot- and operates to bring the USD com­ munity in closer contact with the field of psychology and related areas. Often seen running T mazes, undergoing various operations, and populating the latest in runn g wheels, Psych club membersalso often participate in research projects with the goalof better understanding both animal andhuman be­ havior. Hey guys, bet you never thought joining the club wo result in owning your own condo! Well, hope you all enjoy them, you party animals you! Waiter, another drink for the second row, last condo on the right.Thanks! Chris Adler, Steve Cesare, Susan Donnelly, Tom Favichia, Sheila Gleason, Sherry Hirsch, Dee Moore, Dr. Moriarty (adv sor), BrendaNaimy, Dolores Reina.


New to USD, the SailingClub offersto members and non- members alike the chance to learn more about the sportof sailing. It also allows students the opportunity o ake advan­ tage ofMission Bay and the beautiful Pacific torelax andlet fantasy get the best of them (thanks, C.C.) As the club becomes more popular the membershope to be able to sponsor sailing excursions and possibly competitiveracing withother college teams. For now, members ofthe SailingClub arecontent to "sail onthe cooland bright clearwater." Left to right: RobertMcCall, ShirleyEdwards, Eric Delissy, Richard Huffman

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