1983 Alcalá
STUDENT ALUMNI The Association is an awesome collection of some of the most bizzare, rowdy, unconventional, purple, oblong, clairvoyant, and accomplishing individuals (basically good people) found attending the University. With their fearless leader (better known as Action Jackson, lover of "swine-phanalia") paving the way, the Student Alumni Association wanders into all sort of trouble. S.A.A.'s claim to fame is their unique activities and events they sponsor, execute, and get away with, with much success. This year's activities included: Homecoming Dinner Raffle, Winning Homecoming Candidate, Alumni/Student Christmas Mass and Reception, assisted at Channel 8 Winter Fest '82Phonathon, the ever popular SeniorBanquet, Career Day, and service to President Hughes. The next time you spot one of these infamous green clothed people, youcan be privi ledged to say, "Hey,you belong to S.A.A." LEFT TORIGHT: (FrontRow) Sue Ahem,Maria Brightbill, Desiree Wharton, Jackson Muecke,Andy Basque, Carol Damon; (Second Row) Roberta Joslin, Siob- han Rhea, Sharon Dudek, Lori Murry, Avis "Davis"Reinicke, Cathy Galvin, Virgin ia Stehly, Colleen Delaney, Patty McFadden; (Third Row) Matty Sandoval, Chris Pascale, MattyDeline, Chris "Gibby" Gibbs, Lonny Tubbs, John Melican; (fourth Row) Mark Chapman, Bill O'Connell, Joe Laub, Chris Gualtieri. WATERSKI CLUB The accessibility of Mission Bay provides the Waterski Club with an ideal setting in which its members can enjoy the exp ience of waterskiing. Besides providing Bay area residents wi a spectacular show of precision waterskiing, the club also spo sors suchevents aski trips tothe ColoradoRiver and USD dances. Composed of talent ranging from beginners to advanced ski ers, all members of the club share the common interest of walking on water (their words, not mine- Copy Ed.). Eventual ly the clubhopes to move into eam competition against other colleges. Themembers look forward to continued growth and improvement of the clubin future years. PICTURE: Karen Henson, Diane Katz, Diane Kelly,Doe Dee Rizzo, Virginia Awender, Dave Steffy,Vince Gumince, Mike Snorsky, Greg Grubba, Tim Christ, Mike Hickman, David Campagne, JohnMuhvihill, Dan Muran. ZETA TAU ALPHA The Theta Epsilon chapter of the ZetaTau Alphasorority, originally founded in 1898, was organized in 1978 on the USD campus. It contains the third largest number of collegiate chapters of the 26National Panhellenic Sororities. Zeta pro vides both the public and university community with orga nized activities and service projects. FRONT ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: Johnna Matranga, Rosa Calderon, Lisa Haywood, Jane Riney, Robbyn Kenyon, Julie Cella, Daryl Lynn Lalli, Kristin Dreher, Sharon Brown, Carole Smith, Kerri Ney, LauraMcCormick, Myra Spahr. SECOND ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: Kathy MacKerley, Kathy Kelly, Kathleen Hines, Clair D'Agostino, T.G. Baugh, Lisa Donahue, Gerri Murphy, Liz Gern, KatieBell, Patti Lindhorst, Maggie Keller. BACKROW LEFT TO RIGHT: Allison Baily, Jessica Piccini, Annette Carlson, Martha Manriquez, Emily Callgrov Michelle Willett, Suzie Gern, Arcelia Tapia. Not Pictured: Hilary Noskin, AnneSwanke.
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