ILCTE Lesson What's a Hormone Explore the Endocrine System

What are hormones? The Endocrine System is one of those systems that is not very well understood by most people. Students will explore the glands that make up the Endocrine System. What hormone does each gland produce? What do those hormones do for their body? Is it possible to have too much hormone or too little hormone? Students will understand the basics of the Endocrine System and all that it controls and regulates.

Illinois CTE Endorsement Area: Health Science Technology

Lesson Title: What’s a Hormone? Exploring the Endocrine System

Lesson Author: Melanie Nelson, RN

ILCTE Leader and Lesson Consultant: Nance Budde, RN

Lesson Created: June 2020

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EVALUATE : What do we need to see to be convinced that they know it?

1. Each student will produce a 10-question Quizlet/Kahoot based on their group's research, and students will take each other's Quizlets or Kahoots. Data will be collected. Each Quizlet or Kahoot needs to include:

● Number of glands in the Endocrine System ● Function of each gland their group researched ● Indication of what are the diseases associated with the gland ● Symptoms of too much gland hormone or too little ● Special health care required for those disease(s)

1. ENGAGE: How will students get interested and excited about learning this material?

1. Watch this YouTube video (9.36) for an Introduction to the Endocrine system. ● Take lots of notes! 2. You will now play an Endocrine System Quizlet with a partner using a ZOOM breakout room or other

platform meeting rooms. Endocrine System Quizlet ● Be sure your device has internet connectivity. ● Write down the correct answers to use later.

2. EXPLORE: What activities can be completed so that they experience and/or discover the material we want them to learn?

1. Watch this Khan Academy video on the Endocrine System: be sure that you are taking notes! Add these to your Kahoot video notes and-endocrine-systems/v/intro-to-the-endocrine-system 2. In small groups, discuss the following. Be prepared to share with your classmates. ● Had you ever heard of the Endocrine System? ● Did you have any idea how important it is? What it controls and provides? ● How many questions could you answer correctly?

● What if anything, did you find interesting? ● What do you want to know more about? 3. In small groups, you will be allowed your choice of an endocrine gland.

Teacher: please make small index cards for the following endocrine gland if using in a classroom setting.

a. Adrenal gland b. Thyroid gland c. Pituitary gland d. Pancreas e. Hypothalamus

f. Pineal gland g. Ovary

h. Testicles i. Thymus

Online: Students can volunteer for an endocrine gland. Group those students together either using a shared google doc or Zoom breakout rooms. Your group will need to:

● Explore your endocrine gland ● Include the hormones produced by the gland ● The actions of these hormones on the body

● What disorders are caused when the gland secretes either too much OR too little of these hormones ● Post your findings on a discussion board function of Microsoft Teams or shared Google doc; ● Students MUST post comments on at least 3 other group’s findings. Let students know ahead of time that if too many students pick the same gland, you will unfortunately have to assigned them, so all glands are equally covered. 4. Explain : 1. What organ is responsible for the production of insulin? Pancreas 2. What is the role of insulin in the body? Its role is to lower glucose levels in the bloodstream 3. What gland plays a major role in the body’s metabolism, growth & development? Thyroid gland 4. There is a “master gland” in your body. What is it? Pituitary gland 5. There is a gland shaped like a butterfly located in the front part of your neck. What gland is it? Thyroid gland 5. Elaborate : What situation can we set up so that students can build on their new knowledge to learn more? How can students use the knowledge/skill gained in this lesson to apply in other situations, for example in the “real world” or in other classes?

Part I:

1. Each small group, using the information found in your notes, you will produce a 10 question Quizlet or Kahoot based on your research

2. This information must be found in the Quizlet or Kahoot:

● Number of glands in the Endocrine System ● Function of your endocrine gland

● What are the disease(s) associated with your gland ● Symptoms of too much gland hormone or too little ● Special health care required for those diseases of disease(s)

3. You will take each other group’s Quizlet or Kahoot. Your Quizlet or Kahoot scores will be recorded.

Part II:

4. Case scenarios of patient symptoms will be placed in the Class Assignment portion of the Microsoft class notebook or shared Google doc.

Each scenario must be outlined here for the students. Allow them choice if possible.

Insert your scenarios here.

5. Each student will respond to the scenarios by identifying:

● Which hormone is responsible for that patient's disorder? ● Whether this is a hyposecretion (too little) - or hypersecretion (too much) problem. ● Should include CNA or other healthcare provider’s appropriate health care guidelines.

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