USD Men's and Women's Crew 1994-1995
Athletics San Diego is a member of the West Coast Confer– ence (WCC) and competes in 16 interco llegiate sports on the NCAA D ivision I level. Men's sports include: crew, baseball, basketball, cross country, golf, football, soccer and tennis. Women's sports include: crew, bas– ketba ll, cross country, soccer, softball, swimming, ten– nis and volleyball. In the past three seasons, five USO teams have advanced to NCAA Tourn aments.
1994-95 SCHEDULE
Location The University of San Diego is an independent Catho– lic institution of hi gher educa tion. Founded in 1949, USO is located on 180 acres overlooki ng Mission Bay, San D iego Harbor and the Pacific Ocean. The campus is just 10 minutes from downtown San Diego.
San Diego Fall Classic
8 a.m.
Sun. Nov. 6
(@ Mission Bay)
8 a.m.
Sun. Nov. 13
Newport Autumn Fes tival
(@ Newport Beach) Sat. March 25 Loyola Marymount
7 a.m.
(@ Marina de! Rey)
Apr il 1-2
San Diego Crew Classic
Al l day
Student Life St ud ent activities in– c lud e cu ltur al events, dances, boat cr ui ses, beach parties, BBQ's, concerts, comedy nights, symposia and much more. Students partici– pate in a wide range of vo lunteer projects such as adult literacy tutoring, se– nior citizen outreach and house building in Tijuana. Ove r two-thirds of USO students partake in intra– mural sports.
(@ Mission Bay)
Quick Facts Founded: 1949 Enrollment: 6,200
UC Irvin e, LBSU, OCC
8 a.m.
Sat. April 8
(@ Lon g Beach)
Universily ol' oan Die8o
UCLA, Orange Coast Coll. 8 a.m. (@ M arina de! Rey)
Fri. April 14
President: Author E. Hughes Athletic Director: Tom Iannacone Mascot: Torero School Colors: Navy, Columbia Blue, White Home Course: Mission Bay
S.D. City Championships
8 a.m.
Sat. April 29
(@ Lake Otay)
UCLA M iller Cup (@ Newport Beach) Newport Rega tta (@ Newport Beach)
Sat. May 6
All day
7 a.m.
Sun. May 7
' BOATHOUSE/ACAD.SUPPORT USO crew teams row out of th e Coggeshall Rowin g Center, a state-o f-the-art faci li ty located just 10 minutes from USO on Mission Bay. USO Rowing has access to a modern weight room as we ll, complete with Concept II erogmeters, Nautilus and free-weight equipment. Outside the classroom, academic support is offered to USO student-athletes with tutoring and counseling services available in addition to a computer lab. USD CREW OFFICES I Brooks Dagman Program Direc tor/ Men's Varsity Coach Leeanne Crain Assistant Program Director/Women's Varsity Coach M ailing Address: USO Crew 5998 A lca la Park San Diego, CA 92110 O ffice Phone: ( 619) 260-2261 Fax: (6 19) 292-0388 llll~~lll~i!11/~l1l/11li~!il~l~l~lli 3 5074 00026 7686
May 20-2 1 Pacific Coas t Champ ionshi ps All day (@ Sacramento, Calif.)
F-S June 9- 10 National Championships
All day
(@ Cincinnati, Ohio)
Academics USO enrolls more than 6,200 sutdents who have a choice of more than 50 undergradate and graduate de– gree programs. The University includes the College of Arts and Sciences, and the Schools of Business Admin– istra tion, Education, Law and Nursing. Class size gen– erall y averages between 10-30 students with the stu– dent to teacher ratio being 18:1. Over 96 percent of USD's full-time faculty hold doctorates. The Campus The USO campus is one of the most architecturally unique institutions found in the country, featuring 18 major buildings designed in an ornamental 16th cen– tury Span ish Renaissance style. In the last decade USO has completed eight major co nstruction and expansion projects. In 1990, the renovated Kather ine M. and George M . Pardee Jr. Legal Reserach Center opened, a fac ili ty double th e size of the former law library th at offers the latest in information technology.
1994-95 OUTLOOK , USO Crew, entering its 16th varsity season, contin– ues to prosper among the elite west coast programs while making its mark on th e national scene. Brooks Dagman is restockin g a varsity four squad which fini shed fourth nationally las t year. Dan Tealdi returns as the lone starter off the four which se t a course record at the PCRCs. Veterans Matt Uhde, Rob Carty Matt DeArmey, Chris Blalock and Craig DeAngelo join newcomers Ethan Stein, Charlie Claycomb and W arner Bonner as top candidates for th e varsity eigh t crew. Coxswain Cristina McKay switches from the women's team to the men's side. The women's varsity team return s four starters in Lysa nne Ray, Tanya Snipes, Stacy Bunten and Helen Wi lson. Call ups from the novice team include Kathy Glase r, M aggie Winter, Jennifer Babic, Stella M ellos and Jennifer Varsak. Senior Heather Whitn ey will handle coxswain duties.
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