2018 OMB New Members (July 27, 2018)


1. My name, title, affiliation, address, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail address are as follows: Name: Gabriel I. Giancaspro,Ph.D.

Title: Vice President, Science-Dietary Supplements and Herbal Medicines

Affiliation: United States Pharmacopeial Convention

Address: 8115 Lions Crest Way

Address: Gaithersburg 20879 Maryland USA

Fax Number: N/A

Phone Number: 240-444-1352

Email Address: gig@usp.org

2. I have reviewed and understand the AOAC Policies and Procedures on Volunteer Conflict of Interest; the Antitrust Policy Statement and Guidelines; and the Policy on the Use of the Association Name, Initials, Identifying Insignia, Letterhead, and Business Cards and I agree to abide by all AOAC policies.

Digitally signedbyGabriel I.Giancaspro DN:cn=Gabriel I.Giancaspro,o=USP,ou=DSHM-Science,

Gabriel I. Giancaspro

Jun 11, 2018


Date:2018.06.1112:00:00 -04'00'



Gabriel I. Giancaspro Name (Printed)

Return to AOAC INTERNATIONAL, c/o Delia Boyd at facsimile number 1.301.924.7088 or to dboyd@aoac.org at your earliest convenience. If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact your liaison. Rev. 3/09

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