Alcala Yearbook 2002

AMILTON Every moment of your life has made us proud and given us more happiness than we believed could be possible . As you graduate and reach another milestone in your life, we wish you success and the opportunity to realize your dreams. Always appreciate each day and find the best in everything. The high standards that you have set for yourself and others will make the world a better place. Live well , laugh often and love much! The Hamiltons- Craig,Tina,Ryan,Tara

You are the best fri end and brother ever' I am very proud of you!

Jessica, It seems like only yester– day that you tarted pre– school. You have accom– plished o much so quickly. We are extemely proud of your success and future plans. Perseverance and hard work made you what you are today. We thank you for haring your life and love with us . We give you our love and God's Bless– mg, xoxo Daddy, Mama, Brian and Nanita

Congratulations, Love, Trina

Your childh ood is gon e now and we mi ss those wonderful times.but we are so very proud of the young man that you have become. Wh ateverpaths in life you choose. remember... think you can . be– li eve you can and you will 1 1 We loveyou 1

Graduation June-1987

Congratul ati ons, Dad and Mom

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