Alcala Yearbook 2002



Preciosa! We know you will accomplish everything you set your mind to.

We are VERY proud of you, Tara! Congratulations!

Your Parents and Brother

We love, Mom and Dad

Congra tul ations M egan 1 W are so proud or you and your many acco111r li ~h111cnh . May your future bring you the ~arne happine~~ you have brought lo us. God Bless You lway~. Mom. Dad and C indy


Always hold to your dreams! Congratulation on your achievements!

Love, Pep ter, Mom, Marie and Unk


Belh. You have set , uch a wonderful example for tJ,e restoryour sibli ngs.God has tru ly blessed us. You have grown inlo sucha spec ial young lady. Congratul ations onco111ple1ing so suc– cess full y another challenge in your journey of life. We love you and are ,o proud of you. Love. Morn . Dad. Katie. Michael. Bridget and Slephanie



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