Alcala Yearbook 2002

Thank you for all the hard work and dedication during your four years at USO. Tha□ k you for being so responsible when things were rough. Thank you for being such a great son 1 Congratulations and much love. Mom and Dad

Kristen, We love you and are so very proud of you!

Mom, Dad and Doug

Gus, Pete, Jake and Sammy


Congratulations, Ei leen, for a job well done! We love you. May you always remember that "Wisdom is better than j ewe ls. and a ll that you desire cannot com– pare with her" .

Estamos muy orgullosos de tf par este logro tan importante. jMuchas felicidades y muchas ganas para que continues asf ! Te quieren mucho, Apa, Arna, Hugo, Tavo, Annelisse, Laura, Samit y Rosy.

You 've done a great job, Doug! We are very proud of you. We love you.

Mom, Dad & Marilee, Mike & Anita, Jeff & Joanne, Greg & Grace

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