Alcala Yearbook 2002


Dear Eric, As we watch our young man take next step in. life, we reflect on the years before. With your birth, our lives were instantlyfilled with a new dimension ofjoy. Even. as a baby your joy was radiant and now your love for life overflows.We tried to modelfor you hon.esty, diligence,faith and compassion and, above all, love. As we look back we discover 1ha1 it was you who taught us a whole new level to those qualities. Our hearts swell wilh pride as we watch our dear son. who is now a man ofin1eg rity. We are blessed because ofyou. Congratulations on. passing this excilin.g stage ofyour life. Love, Mom, Dad, Patricia and Richard Eric, It is difficult for us to summarize in just a couple of senlences the pure joy you have brought to our lives. But suffice 10 say that we love you, we respect you, and we are 1-nost proud of what you have achieved. We are honored to be considered your econd pare111s.

Love, Uncle Bob and Sandy


ORREZ You a re a so n b lesse d with integrity ,charisma, health. great looks and, above al l, Love.Take advantage of all of the se qualiti es th at yo u possess. Hold onto your be liefs. La ugh and enjoy life. AlthoughI mi ss my Little boy, I am so proud of everyth in g yo u are and the man that you will become. (Kathryn Higg inbottom Gorin) ILEY Congratul ations, Tim! You did it in four years and we are so proud of you.We fee l lucky to have a son like you , always smj ling, charm– ing and there to help when we needed you. Love, Mom and Dad

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