Alcala Yearbook 2002



Words could neve r begin to con– vey th e pride and joy we fee l in our hea rts f"or you. You·ve ac– compli shed so much during yo ur four yea rs al USD bul we know it 's onl y th e beg inning of a ve ry successfu I future. We love you very much' 11 Mom and Dad

Another Graduation Time to Take Off

We are proud of you, All our love, Morn and Dad

HANNON With the arrival of your early acceptance letter from the Uni ver- ity of San Diego and your famous quote of"I love you guys, but I'm out of here !" you were on your way to new adventure and world trave l . You benefi tted from the many opportunitie provided by"your co ll ege experience, and we are truly impre ed with the capable and knowledgeable young woman you have become. Continue to believe in your elf and follow your dream - the be t reall y i yet to come. Congratulation ! We love you, Mom, Dad and Travi

Niko, . Congatulations! Job Well Done! · , You are pecial to u and we are very proud of you . God watch over you as you move ahead and follow your dream . We love you, Mom and Dad

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We have watched you grow from our darling littl e g irl int o a beautiful! young woman ...To say we are proud of' you is such an und erstatement. You ha ve sur– passed our wildest dreams for you. We love you very much. Mom and ?apa

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