ture is equal to the fa ç ade, there is no need in the inner ventilation system. The architects devoted special attention to developing the spot of land around the struc- ture, considering it the integral part of the building. The stadium has got not only func- tional, but also esthetically attractive, and thus needs a proper framing for the diamond, which could also serve as a showcase. The nearby park is cut by a lot of trails that go di- rectly out of the outer grid. The space between them is filled with gardens, little areas, bam- boo thickets. The inner space is like a cup, and the archi- tects were going to make it as homogenous as possible. Special acoustic screens cover the frames to concentrate the attention on what is going on at the arena and the spectators, which in fact, create the architecture. object National Stadium | site Beijing, Chi- na | contest 2003 | construction started 2003 | construction finished 2008 | cus- tomer National Stadium Co. Ltd | architects Jacques Herzog, Pierre de Meuron, Stefan Marbach, Linxi Dong, Mia H ä gg, Tobias Win- kelmann, Thomas Polster | construction area 202,900 m 2 | foundation area 120,000 m 2 | main constriction area 69,729 m 2

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