улиц с фруктовыми садами, которыми, собственно, и знаменит Ний- ар. Город давно уже разросся за пределы этих садов, которые когда- то ограничивали его, но планировка по-прежнему строится с учетом их местоположения. Такая схема, в которой ландшафт и топография счи- таются незыблемыми, определила развитие концепции: главными це- лями были признаны инсталляция здания в это садоводческое хозяй- ство и сохранение высотного регламента, который здесь, как во всяком маленьком городе, достаточно низкий. Архитекторов попросили разра- ботать даже не театр, а выставочный павильон, здание, пригодное для самых разнообразных целей, включая появление здесь репетиционных баз и музыкальных студий. Наилучшим решением была признана груп- пировка однотипных помещений в двух объемах, соединенных подзем- ным переходом, с тем прицелом, что форма каждого из них определена функциями и номинально они существуют отдельно друг от друга. Особого упоминания заслуживает база, на которой стоят объемы, поскольку она непосредственно связана с образно пластическим ре-

ElEmEntary | nijar, Spain | mGm arqui­ tectos | new theatrical Space | photos by Jesus Granada | text by Evgenia Bakhturova The imperial excellence of theatrical build- ings is now past. Last steps in theatre build- ing changed trends to almost directly oppo- site to those that governed construction of Melpomene temples. However, may be they were so pompous exactly because they were called temples of muses. Now theater build- ings, as the acting itself, have become exis- tentially common, mostly resorting to meta- physics. This is why nobody is surprised any- more by simple shapes and materials: with the Lelystad theater by UN Studio or Zenith music hall in Strasbourg this strive for simplicity ac- quires somewhat universal proportions. On the other hand, the architecture is no more gov- erned by the utilitarianism. The shape is self- sufficient, and the architects are not that in- terested about what the people are going to fill it with. The attempt to identify the object’s purpose outright ended in calling it an office build- ing. Well, the playing on the scene is sold and bought nowadays. The construction site for the project was given on one of the streets with fruit gardens Nijar is famous for. The city had grown beyond the gardens that limited it long ago but they are still taken into consid- eration when planning the city. This scheme, where landscape and topography are consid- ered unchangeable, defined the development of the concept: main aims were to install the building into the gardens and observe the height limitations which are very strict here as in any small city. Architects were asked to de- velop a building that can serve not only as a theater, but also as an exhibition pavilion, a building that would be suitable for very differ- ent purposes including rehearsal facilities and musical studios. Grouping of similar blocks into two structures connected by underground passway was considered the best solution with the aim that the form of each of them is de- fined by its functions and nominally they exist independently from each other.

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