SSC November 2017 Newsletter

Reflections from the Well Over the next few months we will be sharing reflections from the scholarship recipients who took part in the SSC/Weathermatic trip to El Salvador to dig community wells. Arriving in La Paz, El Salvador we spent a week in a small rural community called Puente Viejo which is said to have a population of 198. This trip was one of the most humbling experiences I believe people can experience. Poverty has many faces and seeing first -hand the depth of poverty was something that cultivated my perception of poverty. The people of Puente Viejo were using water from a creek to cook, clean, and bathe in. The women would carry large amounts of water from the creek up the hill several times during the day. Being able to service of Puente Viejo by giving them access to clean water and proper hygiene was an outer body experience that I had the privilege experiencing. The depth of the well is 75 meters, or about 246 feet. After our departure, my team was noticed that the water from the well tested clean and it is able to be consumed! Being able participate in the hygiene class was also an amazing experience. Teaching the women and children proper handwashing, teeth brushing, and other hygiene concepts was truly an experience. People in the United States and other places of wealth often take these basic concepts and tools for granted and being able to see the impact these tools had on the people of Puente Viejo was a heartwarming feeling. On our last day in El Salvador, we were also able to visit a school in the area. This elementary school had about 30-40 children who lived in the area. This school lack doors, and many of the supplies that the students needed had to be bought by the students prior to arriving to class. One of the children in the village was forced to stop attending school due to the financial burden of school. Although, many of these people live in poverty the temperament of the people has shown me that your environment does not determine the human spirit to thrive no matter the circumstances. I am beyond grateful for the experience to be a part of something other than myself. This trip has left me with memories that will last a lifetime. This trip was the first of many in Central America. I plan continuing humanitarian work throughout the world on my journey of becoming a medical doctor. I would like to thank SCC for this experience. I have met so many people who have taught me so much in such a short amount of time. My heart is filled with compassion and support for the people of Puente Viejo for welcoming myself and my team for the week. I am blessed and honored to be able to give back to those who are not able to help themselves. I will definitely cherish this opportunity and will forever hold a sense of gratitude to Living Water International in their efforts to provide clean water for people around the world. Christine Owojori from Prairie View A&M University:

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