Coptica v. 16 2017


Coptica 16 (2017)

Commemorations in the Coptic Arabic Synaxarium, Part II

This is the second part of a study based on the collation of eighteen manuscripts of the Coptic-Arabic Synaxarium. Each entry notes various spellings and forms attested for specific saints. Along with documenting a plethora of saints and events that have not been preserved in the published editions of the Synaxarium, this study demonstrates the stability of certain entries across most of the manuscripts surveyed, along with the various regional fluctuations that are attested with regard to the commemoration day(s) of other saints and events.

Mr. Ashraf W. Hanna Independent Researcher 5952 N. Willard Ave. San Gabriel, CA 91775

Towards a History of Liturgical Vestments in the Coptic Rite II: Bishops and Patriarchs

The historical development of Coptic liturgical vestments is far from clear. There have been attempts by many scholars to list and describe the various vestments worn by each rank of the clergy. However, the topic still remains in need of a coherent, updated analysis that takes into account the historical development of the vestments, rather than a mere listing of all known items detached from their historical evolution. Part I of this article analyzed the historical development of Coptic liturgical vestments for the minor orders— i.e. readers and sub-deacons—as well as deacons and presbyters. Here, the focus is on the vestments of bishops and patriarchs, and the vestments in current use in Coptic services.

Dr. Ramez Mikhail Yale Institute of Sacred Music 314 Prospect Street New Haven, CT 06511

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