Alcala Yearbook 1998

Concei t s ,CLndstHf 'Y-ens tad

The Director of Concerts i · in che.r8e of brin8in8 veriou arli ts to U0D for the enjoyment of the students. The Director's maj or responsibility is formin8 a concert committee that, a a whole, coordinates the different musical events on campus, such a band in L\romas, nooner , tail8ate band , and the lar8er ni8ht lime concerts. The Director and the committee are in char8e of the entire production, everythin8 from bookin8 the artists to settin8 up the t88e and hiri08 technicians and security.

As11lum 2-d.Ltoi S a i a Stiauhal

L\sy lum is the literary m88azine at the Univer ity of <£>an Die8o. It includes ori8inal artwork, creative wrilin8 and photo8raphy by the tudents at the university. The L\ :)dum Editor i respon ible for the publication of the L\ :)'lum, which includ receivin8 the writin8 and artwork and d cidin8 what will be included in each i ue with the Prose and L\rt Editors, a wel l a be in8 involved with public and facu lty relations. The Editor is also respon ible for Cafe L\ :)'lum. Cafe L\ :)'!urn is an open forum of expr ion throu8h music, poetry read in8, and actin8 occurrin8 once a month in L\romas. One o f our main 8oals is to reco8nize the extreme ly talented and artistic ide o f our students at U0D. Thi year, there ha been much focu on publicizin8 the L\ :)'lum to the entire U0D community.

Soclal ;}-amle 'Y-a thei ee

0oeials b i&3est challen8e is to or8anize liomecomin8 events, includin8 the half-lime show and the dinner-dance. Th is years "Iiollywood Ni8hts" theme lent itself to a fun and ima8inalive weekend. The 0oeial Directorship i usua lly supported by a fanta Uc ocial committee which work hard to bri08 many excilin8 pro8ram to the U0D community to enhance the social interaction amon8 tudents, and between students and all other members of the Univen ity community.

A ociated Student 129

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