Alcala Yearbook 1998

Cultu'l.a.l A'l.ts Ka.'l.e-11 /lt e'l.z.

Associated &tudenl:B Cultural Arl:B is about crea tin8 and rrmintainin8 an artistic culture in the U&D community. 1he director' job i to facil itate studenl:B in expressin8 and experiencin8 culture throu8h arl. The directoG hip seek to help studenl:B 8et involved with the processes that 80 into creatif18 and pro8rammin8 artistic evenl:B. 1he director supporl:B and involves studenl:B in theater, music, museum , tudent art shows, and many othe r area within arti tic culture. With each passif18 year, the U&D community 8rows culturally stron8e r, riche r and more alive than years pa t.

/11 ultlcultu'l.a.l !Jssues &. ~'l.o~'l.a.mmln~ /lta.'l.lf C!J'l.a.ce Alma.ncfrez. &. Ca.'l.Lda.d Sanchez.

As Director of Multicultural Issues, my ultimate 8081is lo increase and promole mullicullural awaren on campu . I rve a a link between /\6 and all cullural and ethnic or8anizalion . I voice the concerns and issues of under represented sLudenls and assisl lhe Director of Multicultural Pro8r·ammin8 in enhancin8 diver ·iLy This year, we presenled Lhe firsl ~laLe Crime &ymposium. The MulliculLural Pro8rammi08 Directorship' primary objective wa Lo facililale, en888e and insli8ate dialo8ue about diversity and multiculturalism. The incidenl.s of discrimination and disrespect al the be8inni08 of Lhe year, sparked nol only dialo8ue bul action from students, facu lty, staff and the administration. This was

spark that allowed lhe U&D community l o be8in evolvi08 from lhe idea of "multicultural awareness" and move beyond to e08a8e as diverse people in experiences thal enhance colle8e life and socieLy.

Socla.l !Jssues /lta.' C!Jomez.

The &ocial Issues Directorship is responsible for plannin8 eve nl:B in conjunction with the Universitys social issue theme. Its main focu i t brin8 about contemporary ocial issues that studenl:B have a concern for. This year the directorship planned speakers such as Dave Pallone. It al o worked in conjunction with the Women' Center for Crime Awareness and Prevention Week. The student also attend and i

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