Alcala Yearbook 1998

Wome11's C!,e11te1 C!,h1Lstir Bell &. Ve1011Lca. Cletta.z.a.s

The Women's CenLer is boLh a resource and an advocaLe for both women and men on campu . l\ Lhe directors of lhe Women's Cenler il is our 8oal lo provide a nucleu of womens pro8rammin8 for lhe campus colil.1Ilunily lo increase awareness and dialo8ue on campu re8ardin8 sexism, sexual harassment slereolypes and basic a umpUons each 8ender holds. Pro8rams for lhe 1997-1998 year include: Crime PrevenUon and J\wareness Week, Violence A8einsl Women Awareness Week, fealurin8 keynole speaker Denise Brown, and Women's tlislory Monlh.

d-lLstotLa.11 i!,esleir

l\s tlisl orian, my main responsibilily is lo allend all of lhe evenls, pro8ram , and speakers sponsored by J\6 and lake pictures. Throu8houl l he year I compile l he pholo8raphs and memorabilia from lhe evenls inlo a pholo album. I'm also responsible for or8anizin8 lhe slide show al lhe 6prin8 Banquet In addiUon lo l his, I altend MarkeliD8 Board every week and he lp lo promole all of the evenls ponsored by f...6.

2lectlotts f<1LstL Bell

1he f...6 Director of ElecUons i responsible for the plannin8 of all f...6 elecUons held l hrou8hout lhe school year and for lhe coordinaUon of the Eleclion Comm.illee. There are lhree formal elections in a 8iven school year. In lhe fall semester, lhere are l he freshman & nalor and liomecomiD8 elections. The lar8esl election is in lhe 6prin8: lhe t\.6 8eneral e lection, in which all l\6 executive officers and class senalors are elected. Olher elections are held in order lo chaD8e f...6 by-laws when necessary. There is also a commillee of about ei8hl members lhal help lhe director run each e lection.

Associated Students 131

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