Alcala Yearbook 1998
e o 111111 Uh lt1f S etz. 1J Lee f
The ccx:lireclors of communily service are /1.0 represenlalives for U0D communily service opporLunilies. A represenLalives of lhe sludenL body, lhe communily service ccx:lireclors advise a commiLLee of projecL coordinalors who plan and or8anize sevenleen on8oin8 proj ects. We mainlain a8ency conla Ls, facililaLe public relation , and acl as a liaison lo oLher /1.0 and U0D individuals and 8roups We empower lhe coordinalors lhrou8h Lhe abilily Lo recruil volunleers, clubs an or8anizalions Lo parlicipale in service projects. Tar8elin8 diversily Lhrou8h our ... leadership, we provide a variely of pro8rams Lo meel lhe inleresl of all volunLeers from all differenL cullures. A · Ludenl leaders, we conlinu lo promo
ommuniLy &rvice Learnin8 as a resource for lhe enLir U0D
Lhe Office for
S pecLa.l 'ptz.ojects l!,a.utz.a. Ba.~~ott
/1.s l he Director of 8pecial Projects I worked all year with lhe help of my dedicated corrunillee lo pul on quality pro<~srems. The Givin8 Tree look piece in December and encour58ed lhe whole school lo donate 8ood lo charily. /1.nolher lar8e event wa 8prin8~ l, a arnival like atmosphere lhal all clubs end or8anizalions perlicipaled in. We al o planned events wilh other director lo help raise money for the 8.M.I.L.E. fe llowship, a scholarship lhal is awarded lo a UoD sludenl every year.
fl ca.d.e111Lc 'ptz.o~tz.a.111111L11~ fl11~elLque Schultz
Academic pro8rammin8 8ives the opporluniLy for faculty and students lo interact wiLh one another outside the classroom. The sLudenls and faculty come to8elher in "Coffee Talks" to discuss puzzli08 informalion on a particular topic or to provide a forum to openly discuss academic i · ues. Field trips to a variety of differenl locations allow Lhe studenL to 8eL a more hands on perspective, 8ivin8 Lhe faculty and other professionals Lime to lheir passion abouL Lheir particular fie ld and an opportunity to he lp interested students. The sLudenls can now use whaL they have learned in the classroom and see how il applies to real life eve nts. Colle8e Bowl is Jeopardy for colle8e students. Th sLudents have a chance Lo compele wiLh one anolher by answerin8 diverse Lrivia queslions. The winnin8 Leam will lhen 80 on to compete 58ain t other universities in th west rn U.0. Above all, lhe main 8oal of academic pro8rammiJ18 i to provide educalional events LhaL are inLereslin8 and in pi 1'alional for both tudents and faculty.
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