Alcala Yearbook 1998

Honors Program

The tlonors Pro8ram offers a unique challen8e and opportunity for students of superior ability and achievement to realize their full potential. It con i ts of a well-inte8rated academic, cultural, ar1d social pro8ram throu8hout a stude r1t's four year at U&D.

The academic pro8rarn be8ins in the freshman year with small honors sections of re8ular freshmar1 courses. In the ophomore ar1d jur1ior years, honors students take a series o f team-tau8ht, interdisciplinary courses and explore various themes. In the senior year, each student in the pro8ram comple te an independent research project in his or her major and hare the results with fellow tudents. fionors courses, which are taken in place of re8ular required courses, comprise about one-Flflh of a tudents total units. Classe in the lfonor Pro8ram are small and emphasize active participation. &tudents interact directly with faculty and with each othe r, affordin8 the kind of colle8ial relationship with peers and professors usually reserved for 8raduate school. In this challen8in8 environment, talented students pursue their individual 8oals more directly, more freely, and more effectively.

Academics 149

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