Alcala Yearbook 1998
]' rate rnities and sororities et U8D ed as support systems, academic and
, end instruments Lhrou8h which one may be exposed Lo the
, ional resourc
e x.perien , and e pi re tion o f all active membe r . These or8enizations offer opportunities for the stren8Lhenin8 o f friendships and the deve lopment o f common bond . lnvolvement in a Greek ocie ty de fines one a a repre entative not only o f Lhemself, but o f the or8anization as a 8reater who le. This responsibility inspires member Lo perform Lo the best o f the ir abilities academically, Lo present Lhemselve 8racefully end respectfully in social sellin8s,.Lo be more aware o f those around them, end Lo know Lhal the ir personal stre~Lhs are celebrated and the ir weekn ยท accepted. , cultur
Pictured Above: A new twist on the Pie-Ea ting Contest got Greek Olympic contestants covered in flour. Pictured Right: Annual formals are a popular event for all the Greek organizations.
150 Greek Life
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