Alcala Yearbook 1998

Diana, Princess of Wales, one of theworld'smost famousand admiredwomen, dies at 36 in a violent car crash in Parison August 31.

President Jiang Zemin of China meets for summit talkswith President Bill Clinton in October, the first visit in 12years of aChinese leader to the U.S. During his stay, demonstrators protest China's treatment ofTlbet.

► Thedeath of "the people's

princess" generates an emotional outpouring of love and grief, evidenced by noral tributes heapedat Diana'sKensington Palace home.

At the funeral, Elton John performs "Candle in theWind 1997," rewritten in tribute lo Diana. Therecordingquickly sellsmore than 35 million copies, becoming thebest-sellingsingleof all lime. Sales proceedsbenefit the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund.

Rcutcrs/Archk-e Pholos

One of the most poignant images of Di following her coffin into Westminster

Crisis flares again in Iraq in late 1997 as Saddam Hussein protests U.N. sanctions and blocks inspection of suspected Iraqi weapon sites.

In June, shortly before Diana'sdeath,anauction of 79 of her eveninggowns raises $3.26 million for AIDSand cancer charities. Top price paid for asinglegown: $222,500.

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