Alcala Yearbook 1998


On July 23 suspectedmurderer AndrewCunanan,27, commitssuicide in Miami Beach. Cunananwas the primesuspect in across-country killing spree that left five dead, including fashion designer Gianni Versace.

In April 1997, noodsravage the entireRedRiver ValleybetweenMinnesota and theDakotas. Ninety percent of downtown Gra

Once-mighty AppleComputer is closelo failurewhenarch-rival Bill Gates of Microsoft "rescues" it with a$150 million bail-out in Augu l. Theevent opensanew era of cooperation between formerly fierce competitors.

Reuter~Archi\·e Photo~

Americansjoin "Stop theViolence" campaignsnationwide

in an attempt to generate awareness of and solutions lo theproblemof violence in America.

Joe Camel is snuf edoul as the Federal Trade Co missionbans tobacco advertisingaimedal minors and institutes sw epingtobacco advertising restri lions.

Theodore Kaczynski admits he is the Unabomber responsible for killing 3 people and injuring 29 others in an 18-year bombing campaign. His January 1998 guilty plea spares Kaczynski the death penalty but condemns him to life in prison with no possibility of release. UPS workers take to the picket lines in an August strike lasting 15 days. The eventual settlement is seen as a major labor victory.

First LI. Kelli· Plinn accepts ageneral disch,ll'ge fromthr Air Force.oi·oiding court-martial for lvingabout anaffair and disobevingorders. flinn hadbeen the first and onll femaleB-52 pilot in these1i ·irr.

Timothl' ~1cVeigh is ronl'irtedof 111urdl'r and co11spir,lf1 in.Jun<' for thr April 1995 bombing of theAlfred P. 1urrah Pcderal Building in OklahomaCitl'. ~lc\leigh is latrr srntPnn·d tu death.

Brili ·h nanny Louise Woodward. 19. is convicted in~1assarhusellsof 1nurderingarhild inhPr an·. Thejudg<' latrr rrd uces lhr charge lo involuntarl' 111anslanghtcr and releases her.

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