2011 Fall Newsletter

CPEZ XBT SFDPWFSFE GSPN B TIBMMPX HSBWF JU XBT GPVOE UP IBWF QPXFS CVSOT JO GSPOU PG IJT MFę FBS *O 'FCSVBSZ IFS father, David C. George, age 65, was killed near Eldorado Springs while returning from a visit to southwest Missouri. In August of 1863, Francis Moore, her sister Martha Owings, her mother and children were forced to leave their home in Jackson County pursuant to Order No. 11. According to Mrs. Moore, the exodus was the “terblest drive that was ever experienced by women and children”. “ Everyone in the county was moving at one time”, writes Mrs. Moore, “ in weather that was hot, dry and dusty.” Mrs. Moore wrote, “the dust was so thick on fences, it could be gathered up by hands full” and “white women and children looked like Negroes”. Without time to get organized, families had to move any way UI FZ DPVME N PTU OPU LOPX JOH X I FSF UI FZ X PVME HP PS JG UI FZ DPVME ĕ OE B QMBDF UP MJWF &WFOUVBMZ . ST . PPSF BOE I FS family found a place to live in Lafayette County Missouri. Mrs. Moore describes the hardship the family endured during the war. With all the men gone, the women had UP EP UI F N FO T X PSL ć FZ QMPX FE BOE QMBOUFE UI F ĕ FMET SBJTFE I PHT QMBOUFE HBSEFO DVU X PPE BOE MJWFE UI SPVHI UI F plagues of nature. Winter was especially hard, and she describes a trip of nine miles in a blizzard with her nephew riding CFIJOE IFS "CPVU IBMG XBZ UIFZ TUPQQFE UP HFU XBSN BOE TIF GPVOE IJT CPPUT GSP[FO UP IJT GFFU BOE IJT iFBST GSP[FO TP TUJČ UIFZ DPVME IBWF CSPLFO PČ w 8JUI TVQQMJFT EXJOEMJOH TIF NBEF USJQT UP +BDLTPO DPVOUZ UISPVHI SBJO TMFFU BOE TOPX GPS provisions and to sell hogs. On one trip to sell hogs, when she arrived at a house for the night, her clothes were frozen to I FS CPEZ GPS JU I BE CFFO SBJOJOH BOE TMFFUJOH BM EBZ ć F OFYU EBZ TI F USBWFMFE UI SPVHI B TOPX TUPSN CVU DPVME OPU ĕ OE BOZ CVZFST ' JOBMZ TI F GPVOE B CVZFS i * TPME UI FN UP I JN GPS KVTU X I BU * DPVME I JN N BLJOH B CJH QSPĕ Uw ć SPVHI QVSF HSJU BOE QMVDL .ST .PPSF TVSWJWFE UIF XBS 4IF MPTU B IVTCBOE GBUIFS BOE B CSPUIFS EVSJOH UIF war. Her family was forced to leave their home because of Order No. 11; and she found a way to survive until the end of the war. Mrs. Moore and her family were one of the lucky ones, they were able to move back to their home in the spring of .BOZ PG UIPTF GPSDFE PČ UIFJS MBOE XFSF VOBCMF UP QBZ UIFJS CBDL UBYFT BOE UIFJS MBOE TPME UP UIF XFBMUIZ BU 4IFS JČ T TBMFT 'PVS ZFBST Bę FS UIF XBS 'SBODJT ' .PPSF NBSSJFE ) 7 1 ,BCSJDL BOE NPWFE UP B GBSN OPSUI PG 0BL (SPWF .JT souri. 4PNF XPVME TBZ 'SBODJT .PPSF HPU XIBU TIF IBE DPNJOH Bę FS BMM IFS NFO GPML XFSF OPUIJOH CVU CVTIXIBDLFST and she no doubt aided and abetted the guerrillas. But that’s only one side of the story. Although there were raids and BUSPDJUJFT PO CPUI TJEFT PG UIF CPSEFS UIF DJWJMJBO QPQVMBUJPO PG 8FTUFSO .JTTPVSJ TVČ FSFE NPSF UIBO ,BOTBT *O GBDU JU EJEO U NBUUFS JG ZPV XFSF B MPZBMJTU PS B TPVUIFSO TZNQBUIJ[FS ZPV XFSF QSPCBCMZ EPPNFE ć F 6OJPO "SNZ IVOUFE EPXO and killed southern sympathizers, and the guerrillas fettered out the unionist and killed them. I think history will show that during the war, the vast majority of depredation and murder of civilians, was in Missouri by Jayhawkers, Redlegs, and undisciplined Union soldiers. Sources: Letter written by Frances F. Kabrick Military Reports - Quantrill’s raid into Kansas, and pursuit by Union forces . BK ( FO +PI O . 4 DI Pĕ FME

#SJH (FO ć PNBT &XJOH +S Lieut. Col. Charles S. Clark Lieut. Col. Bazel F. Lazear .BK -JOO , ć BDIFS Capt. Charles F. Coleman Capt. John Ballinger

Lieut. Cyrus Leland Jr. Lieut. Col. Walter King Wikipedia, General Order No. 11 (1863)

-FTMJF &EXBSE & ć F %FWJM ,OPXT )PX UP 3JEF Gregg, William H., A Little Dab of History Without Embellishment Gilmore, Donald L., Civil War on the Missouri-Kansas Border

/FFMZ +FSFNZ ć F #PSEFS CFUXFFO ć FN Connelley, William, E., Quantrill and the Border Wars 1FUFSTFO 1BVM 3 2VBOUSJMM JO 5FYBT ć F 'PSHPUUFO $BNQBJHO QIPUP PG UIF George Brothers. Story compiled by, Jim Bousman

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