2011 Fall Newsletter

Miami County Historical Museum’s Harvest Fest Fundraiser Dinner /PW ć VSTEBZ BU 1 . XF XJMM CF IPTUJOH UIF NVTFVN T Harvest Fest Fundraiser dinner at the Paola Community Center ć F EJOOFS XJMM IBWF UXP IJTUPSZ QSPHSBNT FOUFSUBJONFOU XJOF BOE EJOOFS XJMM DPOTJTU PG GPPET TFSWFE ZFBST BHP BU IBSWFTU UJNF 8F BMTP CF IBWJOH BO BVDUJPO ć JT JT B GVOESBJTFS EJOOFS and cost is $25 per guest. Local Businesses are encouraged to purchase a table through a donation of $100 of more, and EFDPSBUF UI F UBCMF GPS UI FJS PSHBOJ[ BUJPO BT UI FZ TFF ĕ U ć F QSPHSBN XJMM CF QSPWJEFE CZ UXP EJČ FSFOU WJTJUJOH IJTUPSJBOT XJUI QSFTFOUBUJPOT PO i UI Century Cooking” and “Corn and its Importance in 19th century Kansas, to include how it was processed, with a live demonstration transforming it to cornmeal. 8 F M ĕ OJ TI UI F OJ HI U PČ X JUI B SBĒ F PG E POBUFE QSJ [ FT Please RSVP by 3 Nov. by e-mail at whursey@hotmail or 913-294-4940 Fall Programs November 21st, at 6:00 p.m. John Brown and Miami County 8F IBE B QSPHSBN PO 2VBOUSJMM MBTU +VMZ OPX XF XJMM QSFTFOU UIF IJTUPSZ GSPN UIF PUIFS QFSTQFDUJWF ć JT program will present the history of John Brown providing events and the history of his life, focusing mostly on his history in Miami County. Was he as revolutionary or radical villain? Come to program, hear the program and decide for yourself. Cost is free for members of the museum and $2.00 per person for non members. Program should last approximately 1 hour. December 12th, at 6:00 p.m. Weapons of the Border and Civil Wars ć JT QSPHSBN X JM FYQMBJO UI F UZQFT PG X FBQPOT VTFE JO UI F # PSEFS 8 BS $ JWJM 8 BS BOE UI FJS JOĘ VFODF 8 F X J M FYQMBJ O BOE E JTQMBZ E J Č FSFOU X FBQPOT J ODMVE J OH SJ Ę FT N VTL FUT BOE QJTUP MT BOE UI FJS SPMFT E VSJ OH UI JT period. Cost is free for members of the museum and $2.00 per person for non-members. Program should last approximately 1 hour. Page 14

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